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NeutralLord Adder
Image of Lord Adder
Gender Male
Race(s) Nathrezim (high elf disguise) (Humanoid / Demon)
Level 10-45 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde / Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Burning Legion
Location Dalaran
Status Killable
Lord Adder (nathrezim)

Demon form of Lord Adder.

Lord Adder is a nathrezim disguised as a high elf wandering the streets of Dalaran above the Broken Isles. He can be exposed by abilities revealing demons such as by paladins wielding the Inv shield 1h artifactnorgannon d 01 [Truthguard] or demon hunters using their Ability demonhunter spectralsight [Spectral Sight].


  • Spell shadow carrionswarm Curse of the Nocturnal — Curses enemies with the night for 12 sec. Upon expiration, the target is blasted into the air, suffering 45 Shadow damage.
  • Spell shadow lifedrain02 Drain the Living — Drains 8 health as Shadow damage from all enemies within 100 yds every 1 sec for 12 sec.
  • Spell shadow shadowbolt Shadow Bolt Volley — Hurls missiles of dark magic, inflicting 34 Shadow damage to enemies.



You! <class>! Have you been inside the Violet Hold?

These imbecile guards keep waving me away. Do they not know who I am?

Gossip I see your true form, demon. This ends here. (available to demon hunters using Spectral Sight)

Lord Adder says: Meddling <class>... You will pay for your interference. This whole city will burn!
Leaving combat
Lord Adder says: That will teach you to interfere with the Legion's plans...
Lord Adder teleports away.

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