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For lore, see Othmar Garithos.
Lord Garithos
Race Human Psychic
Base unit Dark Knight
Faction Alliance
Hit points 1250
Mana 525
Unit Classified As Ground
Level 8
Normal attack 42-52
Range Melee
Attack type Hero
Defense Type Hero
Armor 7
Hero Parameters
Primary Attribute Strength
Strength Infocard-heroattributes-str 40
Agility Infocard-heroattributes-agi 23
Intelligence Infocard-heroattributes-int 29
This article contains lore taken from Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, the manuals, and/or official bonus maps.

Lord Garithos had the unique class "Dark Knight". He has a mix of abilities from the Paladin, Tauren Chieftain and Mountain King hero units - although the versions of "Shockwave" and "Avatar" are extremely different. The use of a paladin spell perhaps suggests the traditional D&D background for a dark knight of being a fallen paladin.

Statistics at Level 8[]

BTNHolyBolt BTNShockWave PASBTNDevotion BTNAvatar
Holy Light Shockwave Devotion Aura Avatar
Garithos's abilities in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne.

Statistics of Garithos, Level 8 Dark Knight, from Warcraft III:

  • Abilities
    • Holy Light (instant ranged heal on friendly living unit, or half damage to enemy undead unit)
    • Shockwave (line damage)
    • Devotion Aura (additional armor aura)
    • Avatar (caster receives more armor, HP, damage, and gets spell immunity)
  • Items
    • Medallion of Courage (+4 to intelligence and strength)
    • Circlet of Nobility (+2 to all attributes)
    • Gloves of Haste (+15% attack rate)

Note: Garithos' statistics are presented at character level 8 when the max level is 10, because he had been level 8 for most of the maps he was in.



  • During cutscenes, his full name is Grand Marshal Garithos.

