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Main article: Moroes (tactics)
BossLord Robin Daris
Image of Lord Robin Daris
Gender Male
Race Ghost (Undead)
Level 30 Elite
Class Arms warrior
Location Banquet Hall, Karazhan
Status Killable
Robin Daris


Lord Robin Daris is one of the Nobles of Darkshire and part of the Moroes encounter of Karazhan. He is an arms warrior and one of the six possible adds that spawn with Moroes.

Attacks and abilities[]

  • Ability warrior savageblow [Mortal Strike]: Deals significant melee damage and reduces healing by 50%.
  • Ability whirlwind [Whirlwind]: Spins around and hits all nearby players.


  • Lord Daris deals a very high amount of melee damage and can make very quick work of casters. He is best kept shackled or trapped.
  • If he is kept shackled the priest must be sure to keep distance from him in case the shackle gets broken or dispelled to allow time to recast.
  • Alternatively Lord Daris can be offtanked and killed to avoid the risk of a caster death.


Reputation: Provides 15 reputation with the Violet Eye.


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Likely related to Farrin Daris, located in the Scarlet Raven Tavern in Darkshire.

Patch changes[]

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