Lordaeron Harbor is the harbor of Capital City. It was from here that Arthas Menethil sailed to Northrend in the hunt for Mal'Ganis.[1]
- Its layout is very similar to Stormwind Harbor.
This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.
- The harbor does not exist in World of Warcraft, most likely due to world-scale issues. It may also have been destroyed during the Third War.
- Ships could be seen docked in the city during the Plaguelands civil war,[2] although these may have only been for travel to Dalaran and Alterac.
- Kul Tiras managed to send a small fleet to Lordamere Lake during the Second War,[3] as well as ships further inland near Darrowmere Lake,[4] likely through Darrowmere River.
- A harbor is also mentioned when Jaina Proudmoore was taking Lordaeronians to Kalimdor on Kul Tiran ships.[5]