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AllianceLost Lumberjacks
Lost Packmule
Lost Packmule
Start Ken Loggin
End Lost Packmule [39.5, 30.1]VZ-Shadowmoon Valley (alternate universe)Blip
Level 10-40
Category Shadowmoon Valley
Experience 6850
Rewards 25x Inv garrison resource [Garrison Resources]
5g 70s
Previous A [10-40] The Fate of Karabor, A [10-40] Escape From Shaz'gul
Next A [10-40] Gloomshade Grove


Find out what happend to Shelly and the missing lumberjacks.


Shelly and her crew haven't returned from Gloomshade Grove.

It's been days... I hope everything is okay.


You will receive: 25xInv garrison resource [Garrison Resources] and 5g 70s


This is one of the pack mules Shelly and her crew took to Gloomshade Grove.


  • 6850 XP


You must finish A [10-40] The Fate of Karabor and A [10-40] Escape From Shaz'gul to get this quest.

Exit the garrison to the south and cut east across the northern Plains of Serenity. East of Kuu'rat's position is a small pool of water. On the bottom of that pond at [37.2, 26.0]VZ-Shadowmoon Valley (alternate universe)Blip is the Sunken Fishing boat, which can be looted for 5 Creatureportrait saltwater star [Parasitic Starfish] and 10-20 Inv garrison resource [Garrison Resources]. Keep heading southeast to find Ockbar the Wanderer up a tree, who says one of these lines:

  • Ockbar the Wanderer says: [Draenei] Beware the podlings, <class>. They are not what they seem.
  • Ockbar the Wanderer says: [Draenei] I would be careful in this forest, <class>.

Just south of Ockbar is the Lost Packmule on the path into Gloomshade Grove.

You can pick up A [10-40] Gloomshade Game Hunter here, or back at the garrison.


  1. A [10-40] Lost Lumberjacks
  2. A [10-40] Gloomshade Grove
  3. A [10-40] Game of Thorns
  4. A [10-40] Shelly Hamby (optional)

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