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Not to be confused with Lurid.
Image of Lurik
Race Maldraxxi (Humanoid)
Level 60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Necrolord Covenant
Location Revendreth; Ardenweald; Bastion; Maldraxxus

Lurik is a Maldraxxi skeleton trainee who appears during N [60] Training Our Forces, N [60] Training in Ardenweald, N [60] Training in Bastion, and N [60] Training in Revendreth. He'll follow you and assist in combat while in the correct zone for the current training quest.





Initial (Maldraxxus):

I am by your side once again for combat training. I am also here for skulls. These are complimentary goals.

Initial (Revendreth):

I like this place, it is dark. I am to train with you today, in battle and tactics. Let us begin.

Initial (Bastion):

The forces of Maldraxxus have sent me to you for more training. My weapons are ready.

Initial (Ardenweald):

I have returned to you for more combat practice. Let us chop our way to victory, and I will hone my chopping skills.


  • Spine day for a battle.
  • I am here to slay.
  • Let us carve skulls together.
Entering combat
  • Grind them to dust.
  • Into the fray!
  • Break them!
Enemy slain
  • More skulls for the seat of the Primus.
  • Death is only the beginning.
  • Break them.
Under 5% health


Hazardous Anima Cache
Placed down a barrel of anima. Give it a whack for an explosive surprise.
Grants Bonesaw
My blade is yours to guide.
Using Bonesaw
We stand back to back, in glorious combat!


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Lurik Generic name