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NeutralLydiara Whisperfeather
Image of Lydiara Whisperfeather
Title <Master Scribe>
Gender Female
Race Night elf (Humanoid)
Level 65-68
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Azure Archives, Azure Span
Status Alive

Lydiara Whisperfeather is a night elf located at the Azure Archives in the Azure Span.



I think that I shall never know,
a hue as lovely as this glow,
Whate'er magicks make thee bloom,
So too shall shine within my bosom.

Patch changes[]

See also[]

Masters awarding Dragon Isles Profession Knowledge
Profession NPC Location Rewards
Herbalism IconSmall Pandaren Female Hua Greenpaw Sylvar Glade, Ohn'ahran Plains[58.4, 50]VZ-Ohn'ahran PlainsBlip 10x Dragon Isles Herbalism Knowledge,
50x Inv 10 gearcraft artisansmettle color4 [Artisan's Mettle]
Mining IconSmall Dwarf Female Bridgette Holdug Thaldraszus[61.4, 76.8]VZ-ThaldraszusBlip 10x Dragon Isles Mining Knowledge,
50x Inv 10 gearcraft artisansmettle color4 [Artisan's Mettle]
Alchemy IconSmall Forsaken Male Grigori Vialtry Flashfrost Assault, Waking Shores[60.8, 75.8]VZ-Waking ShoresBlip 5x Dragon Isles Alchemy Knowledge,
25x Inv 10 gearcraft artisansmettle color4 [Artisan's Mettle]
Blacksmithing IconSmall Orc Female Grekka Anvilsmash Obsidian Bulwark, Waking Shores[43.2, 66.6]VZ-Waking ShoresBlip 5x Inv 10 specialization professionbook blacksmithing color2 [Dragon Isles Blacksmithing Knowledge],
25x Inv 10 gearcraft artisansmettle color4 [Artisan's Mettle]
Enchanting IconSmall Nightborne Female Shalasar Glimmerdusk Nelthazan Ruins, Ohn'ahran Plains[62.4, 18.6]VZ-Ohn'ahran PlainsBlip 5x Dragon Isles Enchanting Knowledge,
25x Inv 10 gearcraft artisansmettle color4 [Artisan's Mettle]
Engineering IconSmall Junker Female Frizz Buzzcrank Azure Span[17.6, 21.6]VZ-Azure SpanBlip 5x Dragon Isles Engineering Knowledge,
25x Inv 10 gearcraft artisansmettle color4 [Artisan's Mettle]
Inscription IconSmall NightElf Female Lydiara Whisperfeather Azure Archives, Azure Span[40.2, 64.4]VZ-Azure SpanBlip 5x Dragon Isles Inscription Knowledge,
25x Inv 10 gearcraft artisansmettle color4 [Artisan's Mettle]
Jewelcrafting IconSmall Draenei Male Pluutar Camp Antonidas, Azure Span[46.2, 40.8]VZ-Azure SpanBlip 5x Dragon Isles Jewelcrafting Knowledge,
25x Inv 10 gearcraft artisansmettle color4 [Artisan's Mettle]
Leatherworking IconSmall Centaur2 Male Erden Mountainview Post, Ohn'ahran Plains[82.4, 50.6]VZ-Ohn'ahran PlainsBlip 5x Dragon Isles Leatherworking Knowledge,
25x Inv 10 gearcraft artisansmettle color4 [Artisan's Mettle]
Tailoring IconSmall BloodElf Female Elysa Raywinder Seat of the Aspects, Valdrakken[28, 45.8]VZ-ValdrakkenBlip 5x Dragon Isles Tailoring Knowledge,
25x Inv 10 gearcraft artisansmettle color4 [Artisan's Mettle]
Skinning IconSmall JungleTroll Female Zenzi Waking Shores[73.2, 69.6]VZ-Waking ShoresBlip 10x Dragon Isles Skinning Knowledge,
50x Inv 10 gearcraft artisansmettle color4 [Artisan's Mettle]

External links[]
