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High Overlord Saurfang / Eitrigg![]() |
End | Foreman Glibbs |
Level | 30-35 |
Category | Orgrimmar |
Experience | 3180 |
Reputation | +25 Orgrimmar |
Rewards |
2![]() ![]() |
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Talk to Foreman Glibbs just inside the Orgrimmar Rear Gate in Orgrimmar.
Far to the east the "Worldbreakers" lay hidden in the Twilight Highlands. We must end their threat and we will do it with the most powerful army ever!
Our new allies, the goblins, are making us new machines of war but I hear that there are problems with the quality. We can't fight with broken war machines. Speak to Foreman Glibbs and make sure our machines are ready for battle.
Busy now. Go away.
Wait, what? Saurfang sent you? What - uh - what can I do for you? Him? Us?
- Even after this quest was updated to be given by Eitrigg instead of Varok Saurfang, Foreman Glibbs still says "Saurfang sent you?"
- Vol'jin
Please add any available information to this section.
- Garrosh
The "Worldbreakers" hide in a highland wilderness, squatting behind the Alliance kingdoms in the east. We will crush them, and we will do so with the mightiest army ever assembled since our victories in Northrend.
I tasked our new goblin allies with the assembly of a host of war machines. Reports from the field reveal that their workmanship is sometimes... lacking.
I will not go to battle with faulty machines. See Foreman Glibbs here in Orgrimmar and ensure my war machines are battle-ready!
[30-35] Warchief's Command: Twilight Highlands!
[30-35] Machines of War
[30-35] Weapons of Mass Dysfunction
[30-35] Sauranok Will Point the Way (Optional) &
[30-35] Unfamiliar Waters
[30-35] Where Is My Warfleet?
- Complete all of:
[30-35] Ready the Ground Troops
[30-35] Ready the Navy &
[30-35] Beating the Market
[30-35] Ready the Air Force &
[30-35] Smoot's Samophlange &
[30-35] Pre-Flight Checklist
[30-35] Twilight Skies
[30-35] Twilight Skies
Patch changes[]
Patch 8.0.1 (2018-07-17): Quest giver changed.
Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): Text updated to reflect change in Horde leadership.
Patch 6.0.2 (2014-10-14): Text updated to reflect change in Horde leadership.
Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Added.