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“The hope for future generations has always resided in mortal hands. And now that my task is done, I will take my place...amongst the legends of the past.”


Color markers[]

One of the most important characters in Warcraft lore
A very influential character
A somewhat important character
A noteworthy character


The following acronyms are used to show what source each character appears in (excluding references).





Short Stories[]


This is a list of many of the major characters throughout the many centuries of Warcraft history.

They come from all the games, expansions, books, and any other sources that exist. Keep in mind that some are dead, some have changed, and some have undetermined fates. Please note that this category is not for characters made up by players.




IconSmall ArakkoaIconSmall HighArakkoa Terokk — WoWBC, Apocrypha, WoWWoD


IconSmall ArakkoaIconSmall Arakkoa2 Talon King Ikiss — WoWBC, Apocrypha, WoWWoD



IconSmall Archimonde Archimonde — Comic, Ashbringer, WC3, WA1, WA2, WA3, RotH, WoWBC, WoWWotLK, RotLK, Sr, JP:ToW, WoWWoD, Illidan, TToS, WoWL, AGW


IconSmall Kil'jaeden Kil'jaeden — BtDP, WC3X, RotH, RotLK, WoWBC, PL, JP:ToW, WoWWoD, Illidan, TToS, ATYoW, WoWL, BtS


IconSmall PitLord Mannoroth — Comic, WC3, WA1, WA2, WA3, RotH, RotLK, WoWBC, Sr, HoW, T:TotA, WoWC, JP:ToW, WC, GatS, Hellscream, WoWWoD, TToS


IconSmall Dreadlord2 Balnazzar — Comic, WC3X, WoW, Ashbringer, RotLK, WoWC, WoWL


IconSmall PitLord Magtheridon — WC3X, WoWBC, Illidan


IconSmall NathrezimIconSmall NathrezimSL Male Mal'Ganis — Comic, WC3, WoWWotLK, RotLK, DK, WoWMoP, WoWL, WoWS


IconSmall Nathrezim2 Tichondrius — WC3, RotLK, WoWC, Illidan, WoWL


IconSmall NathrezimIconSmall Varimathras Varimathras — Comic, WC3X, WoW, Ashbringer, RotLK, WoWWotLK, Sr, WoWL, BtS


IconSmall PitLord Azgalor — WCL, WC3, WoWBC, Comic, Sr, WoWWoD, WoWL


IconSmall HakkarHoundmaster Hakkar the Houndmaster — WA1, WA2, WA3, WoWL


IconSmall Doomlord Kazzak — WoWBC, WoWWoD



IconSmall Velen Velen — Broken, RotH, WoWBC, WoWWotLK, WoWC, BoOF, Wh, PL, WoWMoP, UV, WC, WoWWoD, WoWL, A:SotW, BtS, Elegy, WoWBfA


IconSmall Akama Akama — Broken, WC3X, WoWBC, WoWMoP, WoWWoD, Illidan, WoWL


IconSmall Nobundo Nobundo — Broken, Shaman, WoWBC, TS:PtC, WoWC, T:TotA, CotA, JP:ToW, WoWMoP, WoWWoD, WoWL, WoWBfA


IconSmall Maraad Vindicator Maraad — WCL, WoWWotLK, Comic, PL, UV, LoW, WoWWoD


IconSmall Yrel Yrel — WoWWoD, WoWBfA


Dragon Aspects[]


IconSmall AlexstraszaIconSmall Alexstrasza2IconSmall Alex Alexstrasza — Comic, DoD, WA1, WA2, WA3, ToD, NotD, SW3, ShW2, WoWWotLK, Sr, WoWC, T:TotA, CotA, JP:ToW, DotA, WC, WoWL, BtS, WoWBfA, WoWS, WoWD


IconSmall KalecgosIconSmall Kalecgos2IconSmall Kalec Kalecgos/Kalec — SW1, SW2, SW3, Comic, ShW1, ShW2, WoWBC, NotD, WoWWotLK, WoWC, T:TotA, CotA, JP:ToW, DotA, WoWMoP, WC, WoWL, BtS, J:R, WoWBfA, WoWD


IconSmall MalygosIconSmall Malygos2 Malygos — Comic, Mage, DoD, WA1, WA2, WA3, NotD, SW1, SW3, ShW1, ShW2, WoWWotLK, ItSotS, T:TotA, CotA, JP:ToW, DotA, WC


IconSmall NeltharionIconSmall DeathwingIconSmall DeathwingHumanIconSmall Prestor Neltharion (Deathwing)/Lord Daval Prestor — Comic, WC2X, DoD, BtDP, WA1, WA2, WA3, RotLK, WoWWotLK, NotD, SW1, ShW1, ShW2, Sr, TS:PtC, WoWC, LoHP, BoOF, T:TotA, Wh, PL, CotA, JP:ToW, QfP, DotA, WoWMoP, V:SotH, WC, H:AMD, WoWL, T:TSP, BtS


IconSmall NozdormuDragonIconSmall NozdormuDragon2IconSmall Nozdormu Nozdormu — Comic, DoD, WA1, WA2, WA3, NotD, ShW2, WoWWotLK, Sr, WoWC, T:TotA, CotA, JP:ToW, DotA, WC, WoWD


IconSmall YseraDragonIconSmall YseraDragon2IconSmall Ysera2IconSmall YseraNightmare Ysera — Comic, DoD, WA1, WA2, WA3, NotD, ShW2, WoWWotLK, Sr, WoWC, T:TotA, CotA, JP:ToW, QfP, DotA, WC, WoWL, WoWS, WoWD

Dragon Aspects' consorts[]


IconSmall KorialstraszIconSmall Krasus Korialstrasz/Krasus/Borel — DoD, WA1, WA2, WA3, ToD, BtDP, SW1, SW2, SW3, RotLK, WoWWotLK, NotD, Sr, ItSotS, T:TotA, JP:ToW, DotA, BotH, WoWL, BtS


IconSmall DragonBlue2IconSmall SindragosaIconSmall Frostbrood Sindragosa — WA1, WA2, WA3, WoWWotLK, WoWD


IconSmall DragonGreenIconSmall NightElf Male Eranikus — Comic, WoW, Sr


IconSmall SinestraIconSmall Sintharia Sintharia/Sinestra — WoWBC, NotD, ShW2, WoWC, T:TotA, CotA, WoWL


IconSmall DragonBronzeIconSmall HighElf Female Soridormi — WA1, WA2, WA3, WoWBC, WoWC, CotA


IconSmall DragonRed Tyranastrasz — DoD, WA1, WA2, WA3

Dragon Aspects' children[]


IconSmall NefarianIconSmall UndeadNefarianIconSmall Nefarius Nefarian (Blackwing)/Lord Victor Nefarius — WoW, BtDP, NotD, WoWC, T:TotA


IconSmall OnyxiaIconSmall UndeadOnyxiaIconSmall Katrana Onyxia/Lady Katrana Prestor — WCL, WoW, Comic, BtDP, NotD, Sr, TS:PtC, Wh, WoWC, T:TotA, BtS


IconSmall DrakeBlackIconSmall WrathionIconSmall Wrathion2IconSmall WrathionDragonIconSmall WrathionCorrupted Wrathion — WoWC, WoWMoP, WC, WoWWoD, WoWL, WoWBfA, WoWD


IconSmall DragonGreenIconSmall NightElf Female Merithra — WoW, WoWBfA, WoWD


IconSmall DragonBlackIconSmall Sabellian Sabellian/Baron Sablemane — WoWBC, BtDP, WoWD


IconSmall DragonBronzeIconSmall Human Male Anachronos — WotSS, WoW, WoWC, T:TotA


IconSmall DragonBlueIconSmall Gnome Male Arygos — ShW2, WotSS, WoW, ShW2, WoWC, T:TotA, JP:ToW


IconSmall DragonBlueIconSmall Human Female Kirygosa — T:TotA, JP:ToW, WC, BtS

Other dragons[]


IconSmall DragonBronzeIconSmall Chromie Chronormu/Chromie — WoW, WoWBC, WoWWotLK, WoWC, T:TotA, DotA, WoWMoP, WC, WoWWoD, WoWL, BtS, WoWBfA, WoWD


IconSmall Galakrond Galakrond — WCL, WoWWotLK, WoWC, DotA


IconSmall DragonBronzeIconSmall HighElf Male Kairozdormu/Kairoz — WoWMoP, WC, Hellscream, WoWWoD


IconSmall DragonBlueIconSmall Tyri Tyrygosa/Tyri — NotD, SW1, SW2, SW3, ShW1, ShW2, Comic, WoWBC, WoWC, JP:ToW, DotA


IconSmall FrostWyrmIconSmall BoneDragon2 Sapphiron — WC3X, WoW, WoWS


IconSmall DragonBlackIconSmall Ebonhorn Ebyssian/Ebonhorn — WoWL, WoWBfA, WoWD



IconSmall Dargrul Dargrul — H:AMD, WoWL


IconSmall Navarrogg Navarrogg — WoWL


Ironforge dwarves[]


IconSmall Brann Brann Bronzebeard — RPG, ToD, BtDP, WoWWotLK, TS:PtC, WoWC, WoWMoP, QfP, WoWL, BtS, WoWBfA


IconSmall Muradin Muradin Bronzebeard — WC3, ToD, BtDP, Ashbringer, WoWWotLK, DK, RotLK, TS:PtC, WoWC, FaI, JP:ToW, QfP, WoWMoP, WC, JH, WoWWoD, FL, WoWL, BtS, M:TS, WoWBfA


IconSmall MagniIconSmall Magni2 Magni Bronzebeard — WCL, BtDP, NotD, WoW, Comic, Ashbringer, Sr, TS:PtC, WoWC, FaI, CotA, Wh, BoOF, PL, JP:ToW, QfP, PoP, WC, FL, WoWL, BtS, M:TS, Elegy, WoWBfA


IconSmall Moira Moira Thaurissan — Comic, WoW, TS:PtC, WoWC, FaI, Wh, JP:ToW, QfP, WoWMoP, WC, JH, FL, WoWL, A:SotW, BtS, M:TS, WoWBfA


IconSmall DwarfBaby Dagran Thaurissan II — Comic, TS:PtC, WoWC, FaI, WC, BtS


IconSmall Thargas Thargas Anvilmar — Comic, WoWC, Wh, JP:ToW

Wildhammer dwarves[]


IconSmall Falstad Falstad Wildhammer — DoD, WA3, WoW, Sr, TS:PtC, WoWC, FaI, QfP, WoWMoP, WC, JH, FL, WoWL, BtS, WoWBfA


IconSmall Kurdran Kurdran Wildhammer — WC2X, Ashbringer, DoD, ToD, BtDP, WoWBC, WoWC, FaI, Wh, JP:ToW, ATYoW

Dark Iron dwarves[]


IconSmall Thaurissan Dagran Thaurissan — Comic, WoW, TS:PtC, JH


IconSmall DarkIron Male Sorcerer-thane Thaurissan — Shaman, WoWC


Blood elves[]


IconSmall Kael'thasIconSmall KaelWretchedIconSmall KaelCorruptedIconSmall KaelVenthyr Kael'thas Sunstrider — Comic, RtD, BtDP, WC3X, WoWBC, RotLK, ItSotS, Wh, JP:ToW, WoWMoP, BotH, WC, Illidan, DM, WoWBfA, AMiV, WoWS


IconSmall Aethas Aethas Sunreaver — Mage, WoWWotLK, ItSotS, JP:ToW, WoWMoP, WoWL


IconSmall Rommath Grand Magister Rommath — WoWBC, WoWWotLK, ItSotS, WoWMoP, BotH, WoWL, WoWBfA, AMiV


IconSmall Halduron Halduron Brightwing — WoWBC, SW3, ToD, WoWWotLK, WoWC, ItSotS, JP:ToW, WoWMoP, BotH, WC, WoWL, WoWBfA, AMiV


IconSmall Liadrin Lady Liadrin — WoWBC, WoWWotLK, ItSotS, JP:ToW, BotH, WoWWoD, WoWL, WoWBfA


IconSmall Lor'themar Lor'themar Theron — SW3, ToD, WoWBC, WoWWotLK, ItSotS, WoWC, JP:ToW, WoWMoP, BotH, WC, DM, WoWL, BtS, WoWBfA, AMiV


IconSmall Koltira Koltira Deathweaver — DK, WoWWotLK, WoWC, WoWL


IconSmall Valeera Valeera Sanguinar — WCL, Comic, WoWWotLK, Sr, WoWL, BtS, J:R, WoWBfA


IconSmall BloodElf Male Zendarin Windrunner — ShW2, NotD



IconSmall Arator Arator the Redeemer — WoWBC, ATYoW, WoWL, W:TS, BtS


IconSmall WindrunnerTwin Giramar — WA1, WA3, ToD, NotD, Sr, JP:ToW, WC, W:TS, BtS, WoWBfA


IconSmall WindrunnerTwin Galadin — WA1, WA3, ToD, NotD, Sr, JP:ToW, WC, W:TS, BtS

High elves[]


IconSmall AlleriaIconSmall Alleria2 Alleria Windrunner — WA1, WC2X, ToD, BtDP, NotD, RotLK, JP:ToW, PoP, BotH, WC, DM, ATYoW, WoWL, W:TS, BtS, WoWBfA, AMiV, SR


IconSmall SylvanasHEIconSmall SylvanasIconSmall Sylvanas2IconSmall Sylvanas3 Sylvanas Windrunner — WCL, Comic, Ashbringer, NotD, WC3, WC3X, WoW, SW3, ToD, RotLK, WoWWotLK, WoWC, LoHP, EoN, Wh, ItSotS, JP:ToW, WoWMoP, BotH, WC, WoWWoD, DM, ATYoW, WoWL, T:TSP, J:R, W:TS, BtS, Elegy, AGW, Warbringers, WoWBfA, SR, WoWS


IconSmall Vereesa Vereesa Windrunner — DoD, WA1, WA2, WA3, ToD, BtDP, NotD, RotLK, WoWWotLK, Sr, WoWC, ItSotS, JP:ToW, WoWMoP, WC, WoWL, W:TS, BtS, WoWBfA


IconSmall Dath'Remar Dath'Remar Sunstrider — Ashbringer, WA3, BotH


IconSmall Dar'khan Dar'Khan Drathir — ToD, NotD, SW1, SW2, SW3, RotLK, WoWBC, T:TotA, BotH


IconSmall Anasterian Anasterian Sunstrider — ToD, RotLK, ItSotS, WoWWotLK, BotH, WoWBfA

Night elves[]


IconSmall StormrageIconSmall Illidan Illidan Stormrage — Comic, WC3, WC3X, WA1, WA2, WA3, NotD, WoWBC, RotLK, WoWWotLK, ShW1, Sr, SoF, Wh, WoWC, WoWMoP, BotH, Illidan, Harbingers, TToS, ATYoW, WoWL


IconSmall Jarod Jarod Shadowsong — WA1, WA2, WA3, WoWC, Wh, WoWL


IconSmall Maiev Maiev Shadowsong — WC3X, WA3, WoWBC, Wh, Illidan, TToS, WoWL, WoWBfA


IconSmall MalfurionIconSmall MalfurionBear Malfurion Stormrage — Comic, WC3, WC3X, WA1, WA2, WA3, NotD, WoW, Sr, TS:PtC, CotW, WoWC, LoHP, SoF, Wh, JP:ToW, QfP, WC, Illidan, WoWL, BtS, Elegy, AGW, WoWBfA, WoWD


IconSmall AzsharaQIconSmall Azshara Queen Azshara — WA1, WA2, WA3, NotD, Sr, WoWC, WoWL, Warbringers, WoWBfA


IconSmall TyrandeIconSmall TyrandeDarkIconSmall TyrandeNight Tyrande Whisperwind — WCL, WC3, WC3X, WA1, WA2, WA3, WoW, Comic, Sr, CotW, TS:PtC, WoWC, SoF, Wh, JP:ToW, WoWMoP, QfP, WC, Illidan, WoWL, BtS, Elegy, AGW, WoWBfA, WoWS, WoWD


IconSmall VashjIconSmall MalVashj Lady Vashj — WC3X, WA3, WoWBC, Illidan, WoWS


IconSmall XaviusIconSmall Xavius2 Lord Xavius — WA1, WA2, WA3, Sr, Wh, CotW, WoWL


IconSmall Shandris Shandris Feathermoon — WC3, WA2, WA3, WoW, Sr, CotW, SoF, Wh, JP:ToW, WC, WoWL, Elegy, WoWBfA, WoWS


IconSmall FandralIconSmall FandralFire Fandral Staghelm — WCL, WotSS, WoW, Comic, Sr, CotW, WoWC, Wh


IconSmall Kur'talos Kur'talos Ravencrest — WA1, WA2, WA3, Sr, WoWL


IconSmall Broll Broll Bearmantle — WCL, Comic, WoWWotLK, Sr, WoWC, SoF, JP:ToW, WoWL, WoWBfA


IconSmall Varo'then Varo'then — WA1, WA2, WA3, WoW, Sr, WoWC



IconSmall Elisande Elisande — N:ToS, WoWL


IconSmall Nightfallen FemaleIconSmall Thalyssra Thalyssra — N:ToS, WoWL, WoWBfA, AMiV


IconSmall Nightfallen FemaleIconSmall Valtrois Valtrois — WoWL, WoWBfA


IconSmall Nightfallen MaleIconSmall Oculeth Oculeth — WoWL, WoWBfA


IconSmall Silgryn Silgryn — WoWL, WoWBfA

Void elves[]


IconSmall AlleriaIconSmall Alleria2 Alleria Windrunner — WA1, WC2X, ToD, BtDP, NotD, RotLK, JP:ToW, PoP, BotH, WC, DM, ATYoW, WoWL, W:TS, BtS, WoWBfA, AMiV, SR


IconSmall Umbric Magister Umbric — WoWL, WoWBfA


Cenarius's children[]


IconSmall Cenarian Male Remulos — Comic, WA2, WA3, WoW, Sr, TS:PtC, WoWL


IconSmall Cenarian Male Zaetar — WoW, Sr, BLS


IconSmall Cenarian Male Celebras — WoW

Elemental Lords[]


IconSmall FireLord Ragnaros — Shaman, Comic, WoW, WoWC, CotA, JH, WoWBfA


IconSmall AirLord Al'Akir — WoWC, QfP


IconSmall WaterLord Neptulon — WoWC, QfP, WoWL, WoWBfA


IconSmall EarthLord Therazane — WoWC, WoWL, WoWBfA


IconSmall ThunderaanIconSmall Thunderaan2 Thunderaan — WoW, WoWL


IconSmall Baleroc Smolderon — WoWL

Eternal Ones[]


IconSmall TheJailerIconSmall TheJailer2 Zovaal — Afterlifes, SR, WoWS


IconSmall Primus Primus — WoWS


IconSmall Denathrius Denathrius — Afterlives, WoWS


IconSmall Kyrestia Kyrestia the Firstborne — Afterlives, WoWS


IconSmall WinterQueen Winter Queen — Afterlives, WoWS


IconSmall Arbiter Arbiter — WoWS

Old Gods[]


IconSmall OldGod C'Thun — WCL, WoW, Comic


IconSmall Yogg-Saron Yogg-Saron — WoWWotLK, WoWL


IconSmall Y'Shaarj Y'Shaarj — WoWMoP, WC


IconSmall N'Zoth N'Zoth — WoWC, WoWL, Warbringers, WoWBfA



IconSmall SargerasPantheonIconSmall SargerasIconSmall SargerasAvatar Sargeras — Comic, TLG, ToD, BtDP, WC3X, WA1, WA2, WA3, RotH, CoH, Sr, CotW, Saga, DR, Illidan, TToS, ATYoW, WoWL, BtS, M:TS, Elegy, AGW


IconSmall Aman'Thul Aman'Thul — T:TotA, CotA, Saga, WoWL


IconSmall Eonar Eonar — T:TotA, CotA, Saga, WoWL, Tr


IconSmall Khaz'goroth Khaz'goroth — T:TotA, CotA, Saga, WoWL


IconSmall Norgannon Norgannon — T:TotA, CotA, Saga, JP:ToW, WoWL


IconSmall AggramarIconSmall DarkAggramar Aggramar — Saga, WoWL


IconSmall Golganneth Golganneth — Saga, WoWL

Titanic watchers[]

IconSmall Algalon Algalon the Observer — Comic, WoWWotLK, WoWL


IconSmall Aesir Male Tyr — B&H, DotA


IconSmall Freya Freya — WoWWotLK, DotA


IconSmall Hodir Hodir — WoWWotLK, WoWL


IconSmall Titan Male Loken — WoWWotLK, DotA, WoWMoP


IconSmall Mechagnome Mimiron — WoWWotLK, WoWL


IconSmall Odyn Odyn — WoWL, WoWS


IconSmall Ra-denIconSmall Ra-den2 Ra — DotA, WoWMoP, WoWL, WoWBfA


IconSmall Thorim Thorim — WoWWotLK, WoWL

Wild Gods[]


IconSmall CenariusIconSmall CenariusNightmare Cenarius — Comic, WC3, WA1, WA2, WA3, Sr, TS:PtC, BLS, WoWC, Wh, CotW, WoWL


IconSmall Chi-Ji Chi-Ji the Red Crane — WoWMoP, Li Li, BoS, BS, WC, JH, BtS, WoWBfA


IconSmall Aviana Aviana — WA2, WA3, WoWC, WoWL, WoWBfA


IconSmall HakkarIconSmall Hakkar2 Hakkar the Soulflayer — WoW, WoWC, WoWS


IconSmall Malorne Malorne — WA3, Sr, WoWC, WoWL


IconSmall Niuzao Niuzao the Black Ox — WoWMoP, BoS, BS, WC, JH, WoWBfA


IconSmall Xuen Xuen the White Tiger — WoWMoP, Li Li, BoS, BS, WC, JH, Hellscream, WoWL, BtS, WoWBfA


IconSmall Yu'lon Yu'lon the Jade Serpent — WoWMoP, Li Li, BoS, BS, WC, JH, WoWL, WoWBfA


IconSmall Wisp Aessina — WoWC


IconSmall Agamaggan Agamaggan — WA3, WoWC, WoWL


IconSmall RavenGodIconSmall RavenGod2 Anzu — WoWBC, WoWWoD


IconSmall Goldrinn Goldrinn — WCL, Comic, Sr, CotW, WoWC, Wh, CotW, JP:ToW, DR, WoWL, WoWBfA


IconSmall TurtleAncient Tortolla — WoWC


IconSmall UrsocIconSmall UrsocNightmare Ursoc — WA3, WoWWotLK, WoWL


IconSmall Ursol Ursol — WA3, WoWWotLK, WoWL, Afterlives

Other deities[]


IconSmall NightElf Female Elune — WC3, WC3X, WA1, WA2, WA3, WotSS, WoW, Comic, Sr, CotW, SoF, DotA, QfP, UV, WC, WoWL, BtS, Elegy, AGW, WoWBfA, WoWS


IconSmall LichKingIconSmall NewLichKing The Lich King — Ashbringer, RtD, Glory, DK, Comic, WA1, DoD, CoH, NotD, WC3, WC3X, RotLK, SW1, SW2, SW3, WoWWotLK, Sr, TS:PtC, HoW, EoN, T:TotA, PL, CotA, SH/EB, DotA, WC, WoWWoD, Illidan, DM, WoWL, T:TSP, BtS, AGW, WoWBfA, WoWS

Forsaken Undead[]


IconSmall Putress Grand Apothecary Putress — WCL, Comic, Glory, Ashbringer, WoWWotLK, TS:PtC, BLS, BtS


IconSmall Voss Lilian Voss — WoWC, WoWMoP, WoWWoD, WoWL, WoWBfA, WoWS


IconSmall Undead Male Master Apothecary Faranell — RotLK, WoW, WoWWotLK, WoWL



IconSmall Gazlowe Gazlowe — WC3X, WoW, TS:PtC, WoWC, JP:ToW, WoWWoD, T:TSP, WoWL, BtS, WoWBfA


IconSmall Gallywix Trade Prince Gallywix — WoWC, TSoaTP, JP:ToW, TBS, WoWMoP, WC, WoWL, BtS, Elegy, AGW, WoWBfA, WoWS


IconSmall Goblin Male Baron Revilgaz — Comic, WoW, WoWC, QfP


IconSmall Goblin Male Marin Noggenfogger — WoW, WoWC, WoWL, T:TSP, WoWBfA


IconSmall Goblin Male Trade Prince Steamwheedle — TSoaTP



IconSmall Mekkatorque Gelbin Mekkatorque — BtDP, WoW, WoWC, CS, Wh, JP:ToW, WoWMoP, WC, WoWL, BtS, WoWBfA


IconSmall Millhouse Millhouse Manastorm — WoWBC, WoWC, WoWMoP, WoWWoD, WoWL


IconSmall Sicco Mekgineer Thermaplugg — WoW, CS, WoWC


IconSmall Silas Silas Darkmoon — Comic, WoW, WoWBC, WoWC



IconSmall MonkeyKing The Monkey King — WoWMoP, BoS, WoWL



IconSmall Aegwynn Aegwynn — WCL, TLG, CoH, ToD, Comic, RotLK, TS:PtC, TToS, WoWL


IconSmall Lothar Anduin Lothar — WCL, Ashbringer, WC1, WC2, DoD, TLG, ToD, BtDP, LoC, CoH, Comic, RotLK, TS:PtC, LoHP, BoOF, T:TotA, WoWL, BtS


IconSmall Antonidas Antonidas — RtD, B&H, BtDP, CoH, WC3, WC3X, ToD, RotLK, T:TotA, JP:ToW


IconSmall ArthasIconSmall ArthasDK Arthas Menethil — Glory, Comic, Ashbringer, WA1, B&H, DoD, WC3, WC3X, ToD, BtDP, CoH, NotD, RotLK, SW1, SW3, ShW1, WoWWotLK, DK, Sr, TS:PtC, WoWC, EoN, ItSotS, T:TotA, Wh, SH/EB, JP:ToW, WoWMoP, BotH, WC, Illidan, DM, WoWL, T:TSP, W:TS, BtS, Warbringers, WoWBfA, Afterlives


IconSmall BolvarIconSmall BolvarUndeadIconSmall BolvarUndead2 Bolvar Fordragon — WCL, WoW, Comic, WoWWotLK, TS:PtC, EoN, WoWWoD, WoWL, BtS, WoWBfA, WoWS


IconSmall GennIconSmall Greymane Genn Greymane — DoD, ToD, BtDP, RotLK, WoWC, CotW, LoHP, BoOF, Wh, JP:ToW, WoWMoP, WC, WoWL, BtS, Elegy, AGW, WoWBfA, SR, WoWS


IconSmall JainaIconSmall Jaina2IconSmall Jaina3 Jaina Proudmoore — WCL, Ashbringer, RtD, RotH, DoD, WC3, WC3X, CoH, WoW, Comic, RotLK, WoWWotLK, Sr, TS:PtC, LoHP, BoOF, T:TotA, Wh, SH/EB, JP:ToW, WoWMoP, DotA, WC, WoWWoD, WoWL, BtS, J:R, Warbringers, WoWBfA, WoWS


IconSmall NecromancerIconSmall Kel'ThuzadIconSmall Kel'ThuzadSL Kel'Thuzad — RtD, WC3, WC3X, WoW, ToD, CoH, Ashbringer, RotLK, WoWWotLK, SW1, T:TotA, JP:ToW, WoWMoP, BotH, WoWS


IconSmall Khadgar Khadgar — WC2X, TLG, ToD, BtDP, CoH, Comic, RotLK, WoWBC, JP:ToW, DotA, WoWWoD, Illidan, Harbingers, TToS, ATYoW, WoWL, J:R, WoWD


IconSmall Medivh Medivh — Comic, DoD, ToD, BtDP, WC1, TLG, WC3, RotH, CoH, WoWBC, RotLK, TS:PtC, T:TotA, JP:ToW, QfP, DR, Illidan, Harbingers, WoWL


IconSmall Rhonin Rhonin — Mage, DoD, WA1, WA2, WA3, NotD, WoWWotLK, Sr, CotA, ItSotS, JP:ToW, DotA, WC, WoWL, W:TS, WoWBfA


IconSmall Terenas Terenas Menethil II — WC2, DoD, LoC, WC3, ToD, BtDP, Ashbringer, RotLK, RtD, WoWWotLK, Sr, TS:PtC, LoHP, T:TotA, Wh, SH/EB, WoWMoP, BotH, WC, BtS


IconSmall Tirion Tirion Fordring — B&H, WoW, ToD, Ashbringer, RotLK, WoWWotLK, DK, SH/EB, WoWC, WoWL


IconSmall UtherIconSmall UtherKyrianIconSmall UtherKyrianDark Uther the Lightbringer — WC2, WC2X, B&H, Ashbringer, DoD, WC3, WoW, ToD, BtDP, RotLK, WoWWotLK, BoOF, T:TotA, JP:ToW, WoWL, BtS, Afterlives, WoWS


IconSmall Varian Varian Wrynn — WCL, WC2X, WoW, ToD, BtDP, NotD, Comic, WoWWotLK, DK, RotLK, Sr, WoWC, LoHP, FaI, EoN, BoOF, T:TotA, Wh, SH/EB, PL, JP:ToW, WoWMoP, V:SotH, WC, LoW, WoWWoD, WoWL, A:SotW, T:TSP, BtS, J:R, Elegy, AGW, WoWBfA


IconSmall MograineIconSmall Alexandros Alexandros Mograine — Comic, WoW, Ashbringer, WoWWotLK, DK, SH/EB, WoWS


IconSmall Human BoyIconSmall AnduinIconSmall AnduinKingIconSmall AnduinMaw Anduin Wrynn — WCL, RotLK, WoW, Comic, Sr, TS:PtC, WoWC, FaI, BoOF, Wh, AOFBU, PL, JP:ToW, WoWMoP, BS, WC, WoWL, A:SotW, W:TS, BtS, Elegy, AGW, WoWBfA, SR, WoWS


IconSmall Danath Danath Trollbane — WC2X, BtDP, WoWBC, ATYoW, WoWL, WoWBfA


IconSmall Darion Darion Mograine — Ashbringer, WoWWotLK, DK, SH/EB, WoWWoD, WoWL, WoWS


IconSmall Falric Falric — WC3, RotLK, WoWWotLK, DK


IconSmall Thassarian Thassarian — WoWWotLK, DK, WoWC, WoWL


IconSmall Turalyon Turalyon — WC2X, ToD, BtDP, Comic, RotLK, ShW1, ATYoW, WoWL, BtS, WoWBfA, SR


IconSmall Blackmoore Aedelas Blackmoore — Comic, LoC, CoH, RotLK, TS:PtC, T:TotA, WC


IconSmall Human Male Aiden Perenolde — WC2, DoD, ToD, BtDP, LoHP


IconSmall Anveena Anveena Teague — SW1, SW2, SW3, NotD, WoWBC, JP:ToW, DotA, BotH, WC, BtS


IconSmall Arugal Archmage Arugal — WoW, WoWWotLK, CotW, LoHP, ItSotS, Wh


IconSmall Benedictus Archbishop Benedictus — WoW, TS:PtC, BoOF, T:TotA, Wh, WoWC


IconSmall Proudmoore Daelin Proudmoore — B&H, DoD, WC2X, WC3X, ToD, BtDP, CoH, RotLK, Wh, JP:ToW, QfP, DotA, J:R, Warbringers, WoWBfA


IconSmall DariusIconSmall Crowley Darius Crowley — WoWC, CotW, LoHP, WoWL, WoWBfA


IconSmall Llane Llane Wrynn I — WCL, WC1, TLG, ToD, Comic, RotLK, WoWBC, WoWWotLK, BoOF, Wh, LoW, WoWL, BtS


IconSmall Marwyn Marwyn — WC3, RotLK, WoWWotLK


IconSmall Meryl Meryl Felstorm — WCL, Comic, WoWL


IconSmall Garithos Othmar Garithos — Comic, CoH, WC3X, ItSotS


IconSmall Renault Renault Mograine — Comic, WoW, Ashbringer


IconSmall Human MaleIconSmall Alonsus Alonsus Faol — DoD, ToD, BtDP, RotLK, WoWL, BtS, Elegy


IconSmall GalenIconSmall UndeadGalen Galen Trollbane — WoW, WoWC, WoWL


IconSmall Jorad Jorad Mace — WCL, SW1, SW2, SW3, ShW1, ShW2, WoWBC, WoWL


IconSmall Human Male Landan Wrynn — CoH


IconSmall Human Male Liam Greymane — WoWC, CotW, LoHP, Wh, BtS


IconSmall Lorna Lorna Crowley — WoWC, CotW, WoWL, WoWBfA


IconSmall Nathanos Nathanos Blightcaller — WoW, ItSotS, WoWC, DM, WoWL, BtS, Elegy, AGW, Warbringers, WoWBfA, SR, WoWS


IconSmall Nielas Nielas Aran — Comic, TLG, CoH, WoWBC, WoWL


IconSmall DeathKnight Baron Rivendare — Comic, WoW, WoWWotLK


IconSmall Human Female Taretha Foxton — Comic, LoC, CoH, WoWBC, TS:PtC, T:TotA, WC


IconSmall ThorasIconSmall ThorasDK Thoras Trollbane — DoD, WC2, WC2X, ToD, BtDP, LoHP, WoWL


IconSmall VincentIconSmall Godfrey Vincent Godfrey — WoWC, CotW



IconSmall MantidQueen Grand Empress Shek'zeer — WoWMoP



IconSmall LeiShen Lei Shen — WoWMoP, V:SotH, WC, JH



IconSmall Naaru A'dal — Comic, WoWBC, WoWWotLK, JP:ToW, Illidan


IconSmall DarkNaaru M'uru — WoWBC, BotH


IconSmall Xe'ra Xe'ra — ATYoW, WoWL, BtS


IconSmall Naaru K'ara — WoWWoD


IconSmall Naaru K'ure — RotH, WoWBC, WoWWoD


IconSmall DarkNaaru L'ura — WoWL, W:TS



IconSmall Anub'arak Anub'arak — RtD, WC3X, RotLK, WoWWotLK



IconSmall Ogre Male Mug'thol — WC3X, WoW, WoWC


IconSmall Ogre Male Kor'gall — WC3X, WoWWoD

Ogre magi[]


IconSmall OldCho'gallIconSmall Cho'gall Cho'gall — WCL, ToD, BtDP, WC1, WC2, Comic, WoWC, WoWWoD


IconSmall Mar'gok Imperator Mar'gok — CoR, WoWWoD


IconSmall OgreMage Mogor — WC2X, WoW, WoWWoD


IconSmall Dentarg Dentarg — WC2X, BtDP, WoWWoD



IconSmall Gronn Gruul the Dragonkiller — BtDP, WoWBC, ShW1, ShW2, WoWWoD, Illidan

Orcs and half-breeds[]



IconSmall GromIconSmall GromRedIconSmall Grommash Grom Hellscream — Broken, Comic, WC2X, LoC, WC3, RotH, BtDP, CoH, WoWBC, Sr, TS:PtC, HoW, T:TotA, Wh, SH/EB, JP:ToW, PoP, WC, GatS, LoW, Hellscream, CoR, WoWWoD, TToS


IconSmall Gul'danIconSmall Gul'dan2IconSmall Gul'danHulked Gul'dan — Comic, WCL, ToD, BtDP, TLG, WC1, WC2, LoC, WC3X, RotH, CoH, RotLK, WoWBC, BoOF, T:TotA, WC, GatS, Hellscream, WoWWoD, Illidan, N:ToS, Harbingers, TToS, ATYoW, WoWL, BtS, WoWBfA


IconSmall Ner'zhulIconSmall Ner'zhul2IconSmall RemnantNer'zhul Ner'zhul — Comic, WC2X, ToD, BtDP, LoC, WC3, WC3X, RotH, WC, WoWWoD, Illidan, TToS, ATYoW, WoWL, WoWS


IconSmall OrgrimIconSmall Doomhammer Orgrim Doomhammer — Comic, Ashbringer, WA1, DoD, ToD, BtDP, WC2, WC2X, LoC, RotH, CoH, RotLK, TS:PtC, T:TotA, JP:ToW, PoP, WC, Blackhand, WoWWoD, BtS


IconSmall ThrallIconSmall ThrallShamanIconSmall Go'elIconSmall Thrall2IconSmall Thrall3 Thrall — Ashbringer, WCL, Comic, Shaman, WA1, WA2, WA3, B&H, LoC, WC3, WC3X, CoH, RotLK, WoW, WoWBC, WoWWotLK, Glory, RotH, Comic, Sr, TS:PtC, BLS, WoWC, HoW, TSoaTP, T:TotA, Wh, ItSotS, CotA, SH/EB, JP:ToW, WoWMoP, QfP, PoP, V:SotH, SoS, BotH, WC, Hellscream, WoWWoD, WoWL, A:SotW, J:R, BtS, WoWBfA, SR


IconSmall BlackhandIconSmall Blackhand2 Blackhand — Comic, WC1, DoD, ToD, BtDP, TLG, RotH, T:TotA, JP:ToW, Blackhand, WoWWoD, AGW


IconSmall DurotanIconSmall Durotan2 Durotan — Comic, LoC, ToD, BtDP, B&H, RotH, TS:PtC, HoW, T:TotA, JP:ToW, WC, BaT, LoW, WoWWoD, BtS, WoWBfA


IconSmall KilroggIconSmall Kilrogg2IconSmall FelKilrogg Kilrogg Deadeye — Comic, ToD, WC1, WC2, WC2X, TLG, RotH, LoW, WoWWoD


IconSmall Varok Varok Saurfang — WCL, WoW, WoWBC, WoWWotLK, Sr, HoW, TS:PtC, WoWMoP, WC, WoWWoD, WoWL, BtS, Elegy, AGW, Warbringers, WoWBfA


IconSmall Rend Dal'rend Blackhand — Comic, ToD, WoW, RotH, T:TotA, JP:ToW


IconSmall Broxigar Broxigar — WA1, WA2, WA3, Sr, TS:PtC, WC, WoWL


IconSmall DrakaIconSmall Draka2IconSmall MalDraka Draka — WCL, RotH, LoC, TS:PtC, T:TotA, WC, WoWWoD, WoWBfA, Afterlives, WoWS


IconSmall Drek'TharIconSmall Drek'Thar2 Drek'Thar — Comic, Shaman, WC3X, LoC, CoH, WoW, WoWBC, WoWWotLK, RotH, TS:PtC, WoWC, T:TotA, CotA, WC, WoWWoD, WoWL


IconSmall Orc Male Nekros Skullcrusher — DoD, ToD, CotA, WC


IconSmall TeronIconSmall Gorefiend Teron Gorefiend — WC2X, ToD, BtDP, WoWBC, WoWWoD


IconSmall Eitrigg Eitrigg — WCL, Ashbringer, B&H, WoW, WoWBC, WoWWotLK, RotH, TS:PtC, WoWC, JP:ToW, WoWMoP, WC, WoWL, WoWBfA


IconSmall Orc Male Fenris Wolfbrother — BtDP, BaT, WoWWoD


IconSmall Orc Male Garad — WCL, RotH, TS:PtC, WC, BaT, WoWWoD


IconSmall Nazgrel Nazgrel — CoH, WC3X, WoW, WoWBC, WoWWotLK, WoWWoD


IconSmall Rehgar Rehgar Earthfury — WCL, Comic, Sr, TS:PtC, T:TotA, JP:ToW, WC, WoWL


IconSmall Zuluhed Zuluhed the Whacked — DoD, ToD, WC2, WoWBC, ShW1, ShW2

Fel orcs[]


IconSmall KargathIconSmall KargathFelIconSmall Bladefist Kargath Bladefist — Comic, WC2X, RotH, BtDP, WoWBC, LoW, CoR, WoWWoD


IconSmall FelOrc Male Tagar Spinebreaker — WC2, WoWBC, WoWWoD



IconSmall Garrosh Garrosh Hellscream — WCL, WoWBC, WoWWotLK, BtDP, Comic, TS:PtC, WoWC, HoW, T:TotA, TJ, AOFBU, EoN, Wh, SH/EB, JP:ToW, WoWMoP, QfP, TBS, DotA, V:SotH, SoS, BLS, OW, UV, WC, GatS, Hellscream, CoR, WoWWoD, TToS, A:SotW, BtS, J:R, Elegy, AGW, WoWBfA, Afterlives


IconSmall Aggra Aggra — TS:PtC, WoWC, T:TotA, CotA, JP:ToW, WoWMoP, WC, WoWWoD, WoWL


IconSmall DranoshIconSmall Deathbringer Dranosh Saurfang — Glory, WoWBC, WoWWotLK, TS:PtC, HoW, WC, AGW


IconSmall Geyah Greatmother Geyah — Comic, BtDP, WoWBC, TS:PtC, LoW, WoWWoD



IconSmall Garona Garona Halforcen — WCL, WC1, TLG, ToD, RotLK, Comic, WoW, WoWC, BoOF, WoWWoD, WoWL, WoWBfA


IconSmall Med'an Med'an — WCL, Comic, PL



IconSmall Rexxar Rexxar — BtDP, WC3X, WoW, WoWBC, WoWWotLK, CoH, Wh, QfP, V:SotH, WoWWoD, WoWL, J:R, WoWBfA


IconSmall Leoroxx Leoroxx — BtDP, WoWBC



IconSmall Chen Chen Stormstout — WC3X, WoWMoP, PoP, QfP, Li Li, V:SotH, WoWL


IconSmall Shaohao Emperor Shaohao — WoWMoP, Li Li, BoS, V:SotH


IconSmall Pandaren Male Kang — WoWMoP, JH


IconSmall Pandaren Male Liu Lang — WoWMoP, PoP, QfP, Li Li, V:SotH


IconSmall Cho Lorewalker Cho — WoWMoP, WoWWoD, WoWL


IconSmall TaranZhu Taran Zhu — WoWMoP, TotRB, V:SotH, WC, WoWL


IconSmall Aysa Aysa Cloudsinger — WoWMoP, Li Li, WC, WoWL, WoWBfA


IconSmall Ji Ji Firepaw — WoWMoP, Li Li, WC, WoWL, BtS, AGW, WoWBfA


IconSmall LiLi Li Li Stormstout — WoWMoP, PoP, Li Li, QfP, V:SotH, WoWL




IconSmall Baine Baine Bloodhoof — WC3X, WoW, Sr, WoWC, TS:PtC, AOFBU, JP:ToW, WoWMoP, WC, WoWL, A:SotW, BtS, AGW, WoWBfA, WoWS


IconSmall Cairne Cairne Bloodhoof — Comic, RotH, BtDP, WC3, WC3X, WoW, Sr, WoWC, TS:PtC, TJ, AOFBU, T:TotA, JP:ToW, QfP, BLS, WC, BtS, AGW, WoWBfA


IconSmall Magatha Magatha Grimtotem — WCL, WoW, Comic, WoWC, TS:PtC, T:TotA, JP:ToW, WC, WoWL


IconSmall Hamuul Hamuul Runetotem — WCL, WoW, Comic, WoWC, Sr, TS:PtC, AOFBU, T:TotA, JP:ToW, QfP, WC, WoWL, WoWBfA


IconSmall Muln Muln Earthfury — Shaman, WoWC, T:TotA, CotA, JP:ToW, WoWL


IconSmall Tauren Male Sunwalker Dezco — WoWMoP, BS, WoWWoD, WoWL


IconSmall Trag Trag Highmountain — WCL, Comic, SW2, WoWWotLK, WoWL

Highmountain tauren[]


IconSmall Highmountain MaleIconSmall Soulshape Highmountain Male Huln Highmountain — H:AMD, WoWL, WoWS


IconSmall Mayla Mayla Highmountain — H:AMD, WoWL, WoWBfA


IconSmall Jale Jale Rivermane — H:AMD, WoWL


IconSmall Lasan Lasan Skyhorn — H:AMD, WoWL, WoWBfA


IconSmall Torok Torok Bloodtotem — H:AMD, WoWL


IconSmall Highmountain Male Ulan Highmountain — H:AMD


Forest trolls[]


IconSmall Zul'jin Zul'jin — WC2, ToD, WoWBC, V:SotH, BotH, WoWBfA

Jungle trolls[]


IconSmall Vol'jin Vol'jin — WC3X, WoW, WoWBC, WoWWotLK, TS:PtC, BLS, WoWC, TJ, JP:ToW, WoWMoP, QfP, V:SotH, SoS, OW, WC, WoWL, BtS, J:R, WoWBfA, WoWS


IconSmall Rokhan Rokhan — WC3X, CoH, WoWWotLK, Sr, WoWWoD, WoWL, BtS, WoWBfA, SR


IconSmall Troll Male Master Gadrin — WoW, TJ, V:SotH, WoWBfA


IconSmall Sen'jin Sen'jin — WC3 Demo, TJ, JP:ToW, V:SotH, WC


IconSmall Zalazane Zalazane — WoW, WoWC, TJ, V:SotH, WoWBfA

Zandalari trolls[]


IconSmall Rastakhan King Rastakhan — WoW, WoWC, WoWMoP, V:SotH, WoWBfA


IconSmall Zul Zul — WoWC, WoWMoP, V:SotH, WoWBfA


IconSmall Talanji Talanji — WoWBfA, SR


IconSmall Zandalari Male Vilnak'dor — V:SotH, WoWBfA



IconSmall Helya Helya — WoWL, WoWS


IconSmall Val'kyr Agatha — WoWC, EoN


IconSmall Val'kyr Annhylde the Caller — WoWWotLK, EoN



IconSmall YmironIconSmall Ymiron2 King Ymiron — WoWWotLK, WoWMoP, WoWL

In the RPG[]

Icon-RPG This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

Legends are the most famous heroes and villains from all eras of Azeroth's history. The world of Azeroth is rife with adventure. Even the smallest villages have their stories of monsters assailed, treasures discovered and battles won. Yet only a few adventurers in each generation rise to face the next level of challenge, to become true heroes. Of those heroes, fewer still survive their trials to become legends that will be remembered for all time. Decades, centuries, even millennia later, their names are still known: Malfurion Stormrage, Tyrande Whisperwind, Orgrim Doomhammer, Korialstrasz, Uther Lightbringer and the other characters are beings of great renown and greater ability, legends.[2][3]

Heroes and Villains[4]
Lords of the Burning Legion[5]
Other legendary villains[6]
Other legendary heroes


  • "Legends" (aka Legendary Heroes) is the term for the unique special hero units in Warcraft II.[10]


  1. ^ Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
  2. ^ Shadows & Light, pg. 9
  3. ^ Shadows & Light, pg. 32
  4. ^ Shadows & Light, "Chapter 2: Legends, Heroes and Villains", pg.k 34 - 58
  5. ^ Shadows & Light, "Chapter 2: Legends, Lords of the Burning Legion", pg. 58
  6. ^ Manual of Monsters, "Appendix 2: Villains of Warcraft, Villains", pg. 176 - 189
  7. ^ Manual of Monsters, pg. 177
  8. ^ a b Shadows & Light, "Chapter 2: Legends, Legends and Your Campaign, Dungeoneering", pg. 33
  9. ^ a b Shadows & Light, "Story at the end of Chapter 1", pg. 29
  10. ^ Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness - manual