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NeutralMaking Peace
Start High-Oracle Soo-say
End High-Oracle Soo-say
Level 20-30
Category Sholazar Basin
Experience 21400
Reputation The Oracles +250
Rewards Inv misc cape 15 [Drape of the Offered Branch], Inv misc cape 01 [Cloak of the Buzzing Swarm], Inv misc cape 13 [Lightning Beetle's Cape], or Inv misc cape naxxramas 02 [Cloak of the Hardened Tortoise]
6g 50s
Previous N [20-30] Make the Bad Snake Go Away
Next N [20-30] Back So Soon?


High-Oracle Soo-say at Rainspeaker Canopy wants you to give a peace offering to Shaman Vekjik and then return with his response.

If you lose Inv misc bag 12 [Lafoo's Bug Bag], speak to High-Oracle Soo-say in Rainspeaker Canopy.


We have great idea. You were friends with puppy-men, they maybe listen to you.

We want you to go to other side of south river over near the end at the big hole and give offering to Shaman Vekjik. Tell puppy-man we no want fight. Tell him we play nice.

You good <race>. We trust you do this right.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv misc cape 15 [Drape of the Offered Branch] Inv misc cape 01 [Cloak of the Buzzing Swarm]
Inv misc cape 13 [Lightning Beetle's Cape] Inv misc cape naxxramas 02 [Cloak of the Hardened Tortoise]

You will also receive: 6g 50s


Puppy-men play nice now?


So mean! We only be nice and they only be mean.

They keep messing with great stones... maybe they not know great stones are sacred.


Shaman Vekjik is overlooking River's Heart up on the eastern edge [51.30, 64.65]VZ-Sholazar BasinBlip. He does not have a question mark.

Conversation goes as follow:

Disgusting big-tongue friend, you no belong here. Go from Frenzyheart land or I call magic stuffs to kill you!
Gossip Shaman Vekjik, I have spoken with the big-tongues and they desire peace. I have brought this offering on their behalf.
Frenzyheart never be friends of big-tongues. You dumb to come back here traitor thing!
Gossip No no... I had no intentions of betraying your people. I was only defending myself. It was all a misunderstanding.
Shaman Vekjik says: Frenzyheart kill you if you come back. You no welcome here no more!

Vekjik casts Frenzyheart's Fury, which throws you into the lake, and the quest is complete.

  • Note: Make sure you have Water Walking abilities turned OFF before he throws you!


  1. N [20-30] The Part-time Hunter (optional)
  2. N [20-30] Playing Along
  3. Complete both to continue:
  4. Complete both to continue:
  5. N [20-30] Flown the Coop!
  6. Complete both to continue:
  7. N [20-30] A Rough Ride
  8. Complete both to continue:
  9. N [20-30] Hoofing It
  10. N [20-30] Just Following Orders
  11. N [20-30] Fortunate Misunderstandings
  12. Complete both to continue:
  13. N [20-30] Making Peace
  14. N [20-30] Back So Soon?
  15. Complete both to continue:
  16. N [20-30] Home Time!
  17. N [20-30] The Angry Gorloc
  18. Complete both to continue:
  19. N [20-30] A Hero's Burden (Lich fight)
  20. During the fight with the Lich, you'll have to choose which npc (either the Oracle or the Frenzyheart) you'll have to kill. The one you don't kill is the faction you'll join. Then ONE of these quests to become aligned with any of the factions:

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