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VenthyrMaking a Smarter Dredger
Start Rendle[72.6, 73.2]VZ-RevendrethBlip
End Rendle[72.6, 73.2]VZ-RevendrethBlip
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Revendreth
Experience 7,750
Rewards 25g 3s 80c
Previous N [60] Shades of Muck
Next N [60] Dredging up an Assistant


Purchase a bottle of Kaja'Extreme from Ta'tru at the Night Market.


If he be hostin' fancy courts wtih you and Temel, this dredger's gotta be special...

Smarter. Stronger. Quicker to apologize when they accidentally knock over the refreshments table and spill anima all over some poor duchess...

I got an idea! Broker bloke at the Night Market was tryin' to sell me some important drinks. Kaja'Extreme or somethin'.

Says it bigguns the brain, yeah? That's just what we need!

Take these Scorchshrooms, that broker loves them, but note he rotates his costs each week.


You will receive:

  • 25g 3s 80c
  • 7,750 XP


You got the Kaja'Extreme?


Alright, <name>, let's make some muck!


  1. N [60] Homegrown Help
  2. N [60] Shades of Muck
  3. N [60] Making a Smarter Dredger
  4. N [60] Dredging up an Assistant
  5. N [60] Introductions are in Order
  6. N [60] Dredging up a Name
  7. N [60] Dredging up a New Look

Beta version[]

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.

Hmm, now for a dredger assistant we will need something extra to get them up to speed quicker and be ready to learn at every turn.

I got an idea. A broker at the Night Market recently imported a shipment of Kaja'Extreme from your mortal world. I think that will have just the right amount of kick and inspiration. Once we have that in hand I can prepare an infusion for you to get this assistant cooking.

Patch changes[]

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