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Inv flymaldraxxusmount green
  • Maldraxxian Corpsefly Harness
  • Binds when picked up
  • Unique
  • Mount
  • Requires Necrolord Covenant
  • Use: Teaches you how to summon this mount.
  • Requires Apprentice Riding
Maldraxxian Corpsefly

Maldraxxian Corpsefly

The Maldraxxian Corpsefly Harness is a reward for reaching Inv misc covenant renown [Renown] 45 with the Necrolord Covenant.

It is normally only usable by Necrolord Covenant members. Reaching 80 Inv misc covenant renown [Renown] with the Necrolords will allow it to be used by any character.

Mount Journal[]

Corpseflies were once found throughout Maldraxxus, but many died out in the absence of anima. With anima flowing once again, they swarm.

Patch changes[]

External links[]
