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For the retail version, see N [15-30] Marauders of Darrowshire.
NeutralMarauders of Darrowshire
Start Carlin Redpath
End Carlin Redpath
Level 60 (Requires 50)
Category Eastern Plaguelands
Experience 9,450

Marauders of Darrowshire is part of the Rewriting the Battle of Darrowshire quest chain (Classic).


Bring 5 Resonating Skulls and the Mystic Crystal to Carlin Redpath in Eastern Plaguelands.


Chromie said the relics you gathered are reagents to a powerful spell, and one more is required: skulls from the scourge who took part in the battle of Darrowshire.

Take this crystal and hunt scourge champions for their skulls. The crystal is enchanted; if a champion took part in the battle, then when you pass the crystal over its skull it will resonate. Bring me those resonating skulls.

Go, <name>. You'll find scourge champions in the Noxious Glade to the north and the Fungal Vale to the west.


You will receive


Do you have the skulls? Chromie said they will be critical for her spell, and that spell will give us the chance to save Darrowshire.


You found them! Wonderful!

Although I don't fully understand how they can help us, I feel their power and I know in my bones that they are linked to my home village of Darrowshire.


  1. N [55] Little Pamela or N [55] Sister Pamela
  2. Neutral [55] Pamela's Doll
  3. Complete both:
  4. N [56] Brother Carlin
  5. All of the following, in any order:
  6. N [60] Return to Chromie
  7. Neutral [60] The Battle of Darrowshire
  8. Neutral [60] Hidden Treasures

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