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MobMargol the Rager
Image of Margol the Rager
Gender Male[1]
Race Thunder lizard (Beast)
Level    Retail: 15-30
Classic: 48 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Searing Gorge
Status Killable
Pet family Scalehide

Margol the Rager is a thunder lizard found in the Searing Gorge. Margol wanders in and out of his cave in the hills east of the Tanner Camp, in the southeastern part of the land. Legend has it that he ate Burrian Coalpart's brother Barnabas.

Mountaineer Pebblebitty's axe head is stuck in Margol's horn.


  • Spell nature chainlightning Chained Bolt — Strikes an enemy with a lightning bolt that arcs to another nearby enemy. The spell affects up to 3 targets, causing Nature damage to each.
  • Spell nature thunderclap Thunderclap — Inflicts Nature damage to nearby enemies, increasing the time between their attacks by 40% and slowing their movement by 40% for 6 sec.

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  • Margol was previously referred to as female in A [43] The Horn of the Beast. His Spanish name, Margol la Furibunda, still refers to him as female, while his French name, Margol l'Enragé refers to him as male.

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  1. ^ N [15-30] A Lumbering Relic

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