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AllianceMarie Davenport
Image of Marie Davenport
Gender Female
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 30-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Davenport Residence, Stormsong Valley
Status Alive
Relative(s) Charles (grandson), Alexa Davenport

Marie Davenport is a human located in the Davenport Residence in Millstone Hamlet in Stormsong Valley. She will offer 5 Inv misc food 150 cookie [Marie's Famous Cookies] per 20 Inv misc food 31 [Tigule's Strawberry Ice Cream] after her quests have been completed.

In her own days, she was quite the firecracker in her day.[1] At some point, she tried to teach her grandson, Charles how to bake, but the effort was seemingly unfortunate since Sergeant Calvin remembers Its smoke.[2]

By the time the Alliance emissary delivered her lost package of tea,[3] she had the local residents running errands and collecting various supplies in order to put the hamlet back in order[4] and save it from the ettins. This included Charles.[5] With the collected flour and gunpoweder, she instructed the Alliance emissary to use flour bombs against the attacking ettins.[1] Being thankful for helping her, she baked cookies for the adventurer[6] and Charles.[7]


Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.

Objective of[]




Why, hello there dear! Might you be able to help me with an errand or two? Only as long as it's no bother though!

After quests

We certainly do! Here, take a few of these flour bombs with you. Please, do be careful with them though.

Gossip Sure. What can I do for you?

Well, I've been having a bit of a sweet tooth lately. I'd really love some delicious strawberry ice cream!

I would be terribly grateful if you could find some for me. If it's not too much trouble, please bring enough to store for later. I hope I'm not being a bother!

Gossip I'll see if I can find you some.


Main article: Cookies and Cream#Notes


This section includes speculation on characters that might be related, usually because they may share a last name. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

She may be related to Noella Davenport and Amy Davenport.

Patch changes[]

See also[]

  • Marie's Oven


  1. ^ a b A [30-60] Ettin It Done
  2. ^ A [50WQ] Let's Burn!
  3. ^ A [30-60] Undelivered Package
  4. ^ A [30-60] Gunpowder Plot
  5. ^ A [30-60] Be A Dear
  6. ^ A [30-60] Cookies and Cream
  7. ^ A [30-60] Cookie Delivery

External links[]
