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NeutralMartha Weller
Image of Martha Weller
Gender Female
Race(s) Human ghost (Undead)
Level 10-70
Resource Mana
Location Darkmoon Island [47.4, 74.4]VZ-Darkmoon IslandBlip (approximate)
Status Deceased
Darkmoon Faire
The subject of this article or section is part of Darkmoon Faire, an ongoing event that lasts one week. Once the event has run its course, this will no longer be available until next month.

Martha Weller is a deceased human on Darkmoon Island. Her ghost is located by the Spirit Healer and is only visible while dead. She is one of several ghosts on the island.

Martha does not provide much detail into her past. However, the details she mentions about what she did at the Faire lend credit to believe she was a caregiver or someone in the medical field in life.


  • "So many people to tend to..."
  • "The faire is my family. I would never leave my family."
  • "I could never leave an injured friend alone."
  • "So many are in need of help..."


This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

It could be worth speculating that Martha died at the hands of Rona Greenteeth, whom happens to sell various foods that originate from her victims of various races. This is reinforced slightly by the fact that Rona sells meat that references human remains.

If Rona did not kill Martha, then she possibly died at the hand of wildlife or some other means.

Because Chronos offers a quest for those trained in First Aid, one could possibly deduce that Martha worked with Chronos or Chronos was put in charge of treating all injured carnies after Martha died.

Martha may or may not be related to Gunther Weller and Marda Weller, both of whom work at Weller's Arsenal in Stormwind.

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