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NeutralMaster Tan
Image of Master Tan
Title <Fist Weapon Vendor>
Gender Male
Race Pandaren (Humanoid)
Level 20-35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Vendor
Location Peak of Serenity, Kun-Lai Summit[50.0, 38.4]VZ-Kun-Lai SummitBlip
Status Alive

Master Tan is a pandaren weapon vendor found at the Peak of Serenity of Kun-Lai Summit.

Vendor information[]

Pointer repair on 32x32 This vendor offers a repair service.

Inv weapon hand 21 [Tiger Lord's Bladed Claws]
80g 98s 97c
Inv weapon hand 21 [Tiger Lord's Razor Claws]
80g 69s 74c
Inv hand 1h panstart a 01 [Handwraps of Serenity]
67g 96s 9c
Inv hand 1h panstart a 01 [Handwraps of Fallen Blossoms]
37g 64s 38c
Inv hand 1h panstart a 01 [Handwraps of Meditation]
29g 79s 26c
Inv hand 1h panstart a 01 [Handwraps of Pilgrimage]
15g 36s 9c
Inv hand 1h panstart a 01 [Grappling Handwraps]
7g 85s 45c
Inv hand 1h panstart a 01 [Initiate's Handwraps]
3g 49s 36c
Inv hand 1h panstart a 01 [Novice's Handwraps]
1g 29s 12c


  • The "Handwraps" items have no model and give a bare-handed look when equipped, making them popular for transmogrification.

Patch changes[]

External links[]
