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NeutralMaster of Potions
Start Lauranna Thar'well
End Lauranna Thar'well
Level 70 (Requires 68)
Type Dungeon
Category Alchemy
Experience 21,640
Reputation +250 Cenarion Expedition
Rewards Inv relics totemoflife [Potion Master]
Previous N Alchemy [70] Master of Potions


Lauranna Thar'well wants you to go to the Botanica in Tempest Keep and retrieve the Botanist's Field Guide from High Botanist Freywinn. In addition she also wants you to bring her 5 Super Healing Potions, 5 Super Mana Potions and 5 Major Dreamless Sleep Potions.


As you know, plants have properties that allow alchemists to re-energize and reinvigorate others through potions.

My familiarity with the plants of Outland allows me to teach alchemists how to make the most out of them. If you're interested in expanding your knowledge of potions, I have but one task to ask of you.

High Botanist Freywinn in Tempest Keep is rumored to have written a comprehensive botany guide. Bring it to me along with samples of your work and I'll teach you the knowledge you seek.


You will learn: Inv relics totemoflife [Potion Master]

You will receive:


Are you sure about this, <name>?  Specializing in potions will prevent you from pursuing other specializations.


Excellent!  It looks like you're eager to learn, so let's get to it.  I will teach you how to make the most out of the plants you use in your alchemical potions.

You will find that you can make herbs go a really long way if you know what you're doing.  Sometimes you will be able to make two potion with materials you initially judged necessary for just one.


These were the amount of materials needed to create all of the potions:

  • If you had already specialized in a different mastery and would like to respecialize in this one, you were not required to complete this quest. You were only required to pay the 150 gold to unlearn your current specialization. See Alchemy Specializations.


  1. N Alchemy [70] Master of Potions
  2. N Alchemy [70D] Master of Potions

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