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AllianceMedicinal Purpose
Start Anchorite Fateema
End Anchorite Fateema
Level 1-30
Category Azuremyst Isle
Race IconSmall Draenei MaleIconSmall Draenei Female Draenei
Experience 550 XP
Reputation +250 Exodar
Next A IconSmall Draenei MaleIconSmall Draenei Female [1-30] An Alternative Alternative

Medicinal Purpose is a Draenei-only quest in the draenei starting zone Azuremyst Isle. Players are sent to gather [Root Trapper Vines] from the lashers around Azure Watch, which will be used to revive an injured night elf priest currently at the draenei camp.


Anchorite Fateema at Azure Watch wants you to bring her 8 Root Trapper Vines.


I have found that lashers milling about on the island hold restorative medicinal properties in their vines. Through proper treatment, the vines can be broken down into a powerful healing ointment. Unfortunately, with so many injured draenei passing through Azure Watch, we are always in short supply.

Our delicate guest was found injured and unconscious by the Crystalbrook only yesterday. If you bring me vines, we may be able to save her.

You will find root trappers both south and east of Azure Watch.



I fear that her health is in steady decline.


Let us hope that this ointment will strengthen her spirit!


As stated in the quest text, the Root Trappers can be found both to the south and the east of Azure Watch. The drop rate for the Inv misc herb 15 [Root Trapper Vine] is very bad, so expect to be at this a while. You may want to get the quest A [1-30] The Great Moongraze Hunt now as well, since the Moongraze Stags are in the same area as the trappers.

On completion
Anchorite Fateema says: Now to apply the ointment to her wounds.
Anchorite Fateema says: It appears that the ointment is ineffective. Such a pity...
Daedal says: There may still be a solution. Come here, <name>. I will explain what I need.


  1. A IconSmall Draenei MaleIconSmall Draenei Female [1-30] Medicinal Purpose
  2. A IconSmall Draenei MaleIconSmall Draenei Female [1-30] An Alternative Alternative
  3. A IconSmall Draenei MaleIconSmall Draenei Female [1-30] The Prophecy of Velen
  4. A [1-30] A Small Start
  5. A [1-30] I've Got a Plant
  6. A [1-30] Tree's Company
  7. A [1-30] Show Gnomercy
  8. A [1-30] Deliver Them From Evil...

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