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AllianceMeet Me at Triumph
Start General Hawthorne
End Commander Roberts
Level 10-30
Category Southern Barrens
Experience 710
Reputation +75 Stormwind
Previous A [10-30] Clap 'Em In Irons and A [10-30] The Taurajo Briefs


Report to Commander Roberts at Fort Triumph in Southern Barrens.


Thanks in part to your efforts, we've stabilized the situation here. We need to turn our attention south, to Fort Triumph.

Fort Triumph is the keystone of our operation in the Barrens - the vital land-link between Northwatch and Theramore.

I'll pack up and head out separately. Report to Commander Roberts at the fortress and I will see you there soon. Together, we will secure the frontier!


You will receive:


Have you heard? The General never made it!

Killed in the field, like some kind of dog!


Lore-wise, during this quest another one is taking place. When arriving at the Fort the guards and the Triumph Messenger will inform you of the deed.

Triumph Messenger says: <Name>! You're alive! Have you heard?
Triumph Messenger says: They killed him! General Hawthorne - he was ambushed on the road by Horde assassins.
Triumph Messenger says: His body was found strung up from a tree. Those animals... Those filthy animals!

Commander Roberts and Barton Trask will confirm it.

Barton Trask says: Were he still alive to avenge himself, General Hawthorne would have no doubt ordered a retaliatory massacre of biblical proportions.
Commander Roberts says: You are quite right, Trask.

Inside the tower behind them is the body of the General, as well as his wife now widow Clarice Hawthorne.


  1. A [10-30] Meet Me at Triumph (from Forward Command)
    1. A [10-30] Working the Bugs Out
    2. A [10-30] Firestone Point (breadcrumb to Firestone Point)
    1. A [10-30] Pick-a-Part
    2. A [10-30] Powder Play
    3. A [10-30] Batteries Not Yet Included
  2. A [10-30] Report to Twinbraid (breadcrumb to Bael Modan)

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