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NeutralMei Francis
Image of Mei Francis
Title <Exotic Mounts>
Gender Female
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 10-30 (Northrend)
10-45 (Broken Isles)
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Kirin Tor
Occupation Mount vendor
Location Dalaran[58, 42]VZ-DalaranBlip
Status Alive

Mei Francis is a vendor found in Dalaran that sells unique mounts. She sells the Armored Brown Bear and all the Mammoth mounts, including one with passenger spots and vendors. She will also mail players mounts obtained through achievements or the Blizzard Online Store, such as the Inv mount wingedlion [Winged Guardian], Ability mount drake blue [Reins of the Albino Drake], Ability mount celestialhorse [Celestial Steed] and Inv pegasusmount [Hearthsteed].


Mei offers discounts based on your reputation with the Kirin Tor faction. All races start out neutral with the Kirin Tor, but mages start out friendly.

Item Cost
Ability mount swiftpurplewindrider [Armored Blue Wind Rider] 2000g
Ability mount swiftpurplewindrider [Armored Blue Wind Rider] 1600g
Ability mount gryphon 01 [Armored Snowy Gryphon] 2000g
Ability mount gryphon 01 [Armored Snowy Gryphon] 2000g
Ability mount bluewindrider [Blue Wind Rider] 50g
Ability mount ebongryphon [Ebon Gryphon] 50g
Ability mount goldengryphon [Golden Gryphon] 40g
Ability mount greenwindrider [Green Wind Rider] 50g
Inv drink 15 [Mei's Masterful Brew] 3g 33s 33c
Ability mount polarbear brown [Reins of the Armored Brown Bear] 750g
Ability mount polarbear brown [Reins of the Armored Brown Bear] 750g
Ability mount polarbear brown [Reins of the Armored Brown Bear] 750g
Ability mount polarbear brown [Reins of the Armored Brown Bear] 750g
Ability mount mammoth brown [Reins of the Traveler's Tundra Mammoth] 20000g
Ability mount mammoth brown [Reins of the Traveler's Tundra Mammoth] 20000g
Ability mount mammoth brown [Reins of the Traveler's Tundra Mammoth] 20000g
Ability mount mammoth brown [Reins of the Traveler's Tundra Mammoth] 20000g
Ability mount ridingelekk grey [Reins of the Wooly Mammoth] 10000g
Ability mount ridingelekk grey [Reins of the Wooly Mammoth] 8000g
Ability mount ridingelekk grey [Reins of the Wooly Mammoth] 10000g
Ability mount ridingelekk grey [Reins of the Wooly Mammoth] 10000g
Ability mount snowygryphon [Snowy Gryphon] 40g
Ability mount gryphon 01 [Swift Blue Gryphon] 100g
Ability mount gryphon 01 [Swift Green Gryphon] 100g
Ability mount swiftgreenwindrider [Swift Green Wind Rider] 100g
Ability mount gryphon 01 [Swift Purple Gryphon] 100g
Ability mount swiftpurplewindrider [Swift Purple Wind Rider] 100g
Ability mount gryphon 01 [Swift Red Gryphon] 100g
Ability mount swiftredwindrider [Swift Red Wind Rider] 80g
Ability mount swiftyellowwindrider [Swift Yellow Wind Rider] 100g
Ability mount tawnywindrider [Tawny Wind Rider] 50g

Objective of[]



How may I help you?

Buy Let me browse your goods.

Mount Journal
  • "Is the emerald drake rare? You have no idea. If I had a silver for every time someone asked me about one, I could have retired years ago."[1]
  • "The nice thing is that when they attack, blood almost never stains their feathers."[2]
  • "They are not native to Northrend, but they have adapted extremely well to the cold."[3]


Exotic Mountseller

An "Exotic Mountseller" in Hearthstone.

Patch changes[]


External links[]

Northrend The Broken Isles