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MobMephiles the Loyal
Image of Mephiles the Loyal
Gender Male
Race Maldraxxi necromancer (Humanoid)
Level 53-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) House of Rituals
Occupation Servant of Mor'Bitan
Location Glutharn's Decay[62.6, 52.6]VZ-MaldraxxusBlip and Renounced Bastille,[67.6, 46]VZ-MaldraxxusBlip Maldraxxus
Status Deceased
War is Deception

Baroness Vashj interrogating Mephiles.

Mephiles the Loyal is a necromancer of the House of Rituals located at a small ziggurat in the southwestern part of Glutharn's Decay in Maldraxxus, from where he oversees the efforts of the Morbid Ritualists in the area. He is the second-in-command of the lich Mor'Bitan and was involved in the destruction of the House of Eyes. Baroness Vashj orders him captured and brought to the Renounced Bastille,[1] where she searches through his memories for information about Mor'Bitan before killing him.[2]


  • Spell necro deathsdoor Decaying Touch — Inflicts Shadow damage to an enemy every 3 sec for 15 sec.
  • Spell necro necroticcore Necrotic Orb — Periodically summons death orbs which pursue players and inflict Shadow damage.

At 50% health, he gains the following debuff to inform players to use Spell nature web [Vashj's Signal]:

Ability rogue findweakness Weakened — Weakened and susceptible to the ritual focus.


Main article: Glorious Pursuits#Notes
Main article: War is Deception#Notes
Random yells
  • Trap these vermin! Bring them to the ritualists for sacrifice!
  • Scour this marsh! Any animate will serve our purposes!
  • We cannot afford to fall behind! The ritual must be fueled!
  • Mor'Bitan demands results! Salvage all available anima!
Intruders! You will not interfere!

Objective of[]


  • As Mephiles is meant to be captured and not killed during N [53-60] Glorious Pursuits, he can't be reduced below 1 health when attacked in Glutharn's Decay.

Patch changes[]


  1. ^ N [53-60] Glorious Pursuits
  2. ^ N [53-60] War is Deception

External links[]
