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NeutralMerchant Tantan
Image of Merchant Tantan
Gender Male
Race Pandaren (Humanoid)
Level 20-35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Golden Lotus
Occupation Vendor
Location Gate of the August Celestials, Kun-Lai Summit
Status Alive

Merchant Tantan is a pandaren food vendor of the Golden Lotus selling the strawberries and mangos required for the Guo-Lai Recipes, found at the Gate of the August Celestials in Kun-Lai Summit. Originally, he was found at the Emperor's Approach in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.


Inv hammer 20 [Blacksmith Hammer]
Inv misc food vendor blanchedneedlemushroom [Blanched Needle Mushrooms]
2g 47s
Inv misc food vendor boiledsilkwormpupa [Boiled Silkworm Pupa]
2g 28s
Inv ore tin 01 [Coal]
4s 75c
Inv misc food vendor needlemushroom [Dried Needle Mushrooms]
2g 28s
Inv misc leatherscrap 06 [Dried Peaches]
2g 28s
Spell frost fireresistancetotem [Elemental Flux]
2g 85s
Inv misc food 45 [Fresh Mangos]
47s 50c
Inv misc food strawberry ice [Fresh Strawberries]
47s 50c
Inv misc food 102 flatbread [Frybread]
2g 43s 20c
Inv misc food cooked goldcarpconsomme [Golden Carp Consomme]
2g 47s
Inv misc food vendor greenfishbonescurry [Green Curry Fish]
2g 47s
Inv pick 02 [Mining Pick]
Inv misc food vendor peachpie [Peach Pie]
2g 47s
Inv drink milk 01 [Pearl Milk Tea]
2g 47s
Inv misc food 168 ricecake01 [Pounded Rice Cake]
2g 28s
Inv misc food vendor redbeanbun [Red Bean Bun]
2g 47s
Inv misc food vendor roastedbarlytea [Roasted Barley Tea]
2g 28s
Inv misc skeweredpeanutchicken [Skewered Peanut Chicken]
2g 47s
Inv misc ammo gunpowder 01 [Strong Flux]
Inv misc food vendor tangypeachyogurt [Tangy Yogurt]
2g 47s
Inv misc food vendor toastedfishjerky [Toasted Fish Jerky]
2g 28s
Inv misc ammo gunpowder 02 [Weak Flux]
Inv misc food vendor yakcheesecurds [Yak Cheese Curds]
2g 28s


Removed from game The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 5.4.0.



This is the most bountiful land in all of Pandaria! A smart man could grow rich here!

Buy Let me browse your goods.

Patch changes[]

External links[]
