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Image of Milau
Title <Child of Alani>
Race Cloud serpent (Beast)
Level 30-35 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Hall of the Serpent, Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Status Killable
Relative(s) Alani (mother)
Pet family Serpent

Milau is the offspring of the cloud serpent Alani. Milau is being raised as a tool against The Golden Lotus.

Objective of[]


  • Lightning Pool 80 yd range — Deals high Nature damage to enemies standing inside of the pool. 1 sec cast. Hits for an obscene amount of Nature damage.
  • Lightning Breath 100 yd range — Breaths lightning on the ground, dealing continuing Nature damage to enemies. 2 sec cast. Drops a pool of Nature damage on the ground. Triggers...
    • Lighting Breath — Breaths lightning on the ground, dealing continuing Nature damage to enemies. Instant. Ticks for 41,889 a second.
  • Lightning Sweep — Builds up and releases a massive lightning charge, dealing 138,750 to 161,250 Nature damage and knocking nearby targets back. 9 sec cast. Milau flies to the center of the lower area sucking all enemies with it. Run away before the cast completes.

Patch changes[]

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