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Inv inscription tradeskill01

Minor Inscription Research is taught at 75 skill in Inscription. When you perform this research, you have a very high chance of learning a new minor glyph recipe. The chance to discover a new minor glyph is independent of your level, Inscription skill, and how many minor glyphs you already know. The recipe's cooldown resets at 00:00 server time every day.

Discoverable recipes[]

All 64 Minor Glyph recipes currently in the game can be discovered through Minor Inscription Research. You will learn 1 random minor glyph recipe from among all those you are able to learn. If you cannot learn any new minor glyph recipes (because your inscription skill is too low to learn any of the missing glyphs, or because you already know all of the minor glyphs), you will not learn any but will still acquire the by-product scrolls (see also below).

Glyph Class Level Skill Materials
Inv glyph minordruid [Glyph of Grace] Druid 15 75 3 Inv inscription inkblack01 [Midnight Ink] 1 Inv inscription papyrus [Light Parchment]
Inv glyph minordruid [Glyph of Charm Woodland Creature] Druid 15 75 3 Inv inscription inkblack01 [Midnight Ink] 1 Inv inscription papyrus [Light Parchment]
Inv glyph majorhunter [Glyph of Mend Pet] Hunter 15 75 3 Inv inscription inkblack01 [Midnight Ink] 1 Inv inscription papyrus [Light Parchment]
Inv glyph minorhunter [Glyph of Revive Pet] Hunter 15 75 3 Inv inscription inkblack01 [Midnight Ink] 1 Inv inscription papyrus [Light Parchment]
Inv glyph minorhunter [Glyph of Scare Beast] Hunter 15 75 3 Inv inscription inkblack01 [Midnight Ink] 1 Inv inscription papyrus [Light Parchment]
Inv glyph minormage [Glyph of Arcane Brilliance] Mage 15 15 3 Inv inscription inkblack01 [Midnight Ink] 1 Inv inscription papyrus [Light Parchment]
Inv glyph minormage [Glyph of the Penguin] Mage 15 75 3 Inv inscription inkblack01 [Midnight Ink] 1 Inv inscription papyrus [Light Parchment]
Inv glyph minormage [Glyph of Slow Fall] Mage 15 75 3 Inv inscription inkblack01 [Midnight Ink] 1 Inv inscription papyrus [Light Parchment]
Inv glyph minorpaladin [Glyph of Blessing of Might] Paladin 15 75 3 Inv inscription inkblack01 [Midnight Ink] 1 Inv inscription papyrus [Light Parchment]
Inv glyph majorpaladin [Glyph of Lay on Hands] Paladin 15 75 3 Inv inscription inkblack01 [Midnight Ink] 1 Inv inscription papyrus [Light Parchment]
Inv glyph minorpriest [Glyph of Fading] Priest 15 75 3 Inv inscription inkblack01 [Midnight Ink] 1 Inv inscription papyrus [Light Parchment]
Inv glyph minorpriest [Glyph of Fortitude] Priest 15 75 3 Inv inscription inkblack01 [Midnight Ink] 1 Inv inscription papyrus [Light Parchment]
Inv glyph minorrogue [Glyph of Blurred Speed] Rogue 15 75 3 Inv inscription inkblack01 [Midnight Ink] 1 Inv inscription papyrus [Light Parchment]
Inv glyph minorrogue [Glyph of Pick Pocket] Rogue 15 75 3 Inv inscription inkblack01 [Midnight Ink] 1 Inv inscription papyrus [Light Parchment]
Inv glyph minorwarlock [Glyph of Drain Soul] Warlock 15 75 3 Inv inscription inkblack01 [Midnight Ink] 1 Inv inscription papyrus [Light Parchment]
Inv glyph minorwarrior [Glyph of Battle] Warrior 15 75 3 Inv inscription inkblack01 [Midnight Ink] 1 Inv inscription papyrus [Light Parchment]
Inv glyph majorwarrior [Glyph of Thunder Clap] Warrior 15 75 3 Inv inscription inkblack01 [Midnight Ink] 1 Inv inscription papyrus [Light Parchment]
Inv glyph minorpriest [Glyph of Shackle Undead] Priest 20 100 3 Inv inscription inkyellow02 [Lion's Ink] 1 Inv inscription papyrus [Light Parchment]
Inv glyph minorrogue [Glyph of Pick Lock] Rogue 16 100 3 Inv inscription inkyellow02 [Lion's Ink] 1 Inv inscription papyrus [Light Parchment]
Inv glyph minorpaladin [Glyph of Blessing of Kings] Paladin 20 100 3 Inv inscription inkyellow02 [Lion's Ink] 1 Inv inscription papyrus [Light Parchment]
Inv glyph minorwarlock [Glyph of Unending Breath] Warlock 15 125 3 Inv inscription inkyellow02 [Lion's Ink] 1 Inv inscription papyrus [Light Parchment]
Inv glyph minorshaman [Glyph of Water Breathing] Shaman 22 125 3 Inv inscription inkyellow02 [Lion's Ink] 1 Inv inscription parchment [Common Parchment]
Inv glyph minorrogue [Glyph of Distract] Rogue 22 125 3 Inv inscription inkyellow02 [Lion's Ink] 1 Inv inscription papyrus [Light Parchment]
Inv glyph minordruid [Glyph of Aquatic Form] Druid 16 125 3 Inv inscription inkyellow02 [Lion's Ink] 1 Inv inscription papyrus [Light Parchment]
Inv glyph minorwarlock [Glyph of Eye of Kilrogg] Warlock 22 125 3 Inv inscription inkyellow02 [Lion's Ink] 1 Inv inscription papyrus [Light Parchment]
Inv glyph minorshaman [Glyph of Ghost Wolf] Shaman 16 125 3 Inv inscription inkyellow02 [Lion's Ink] 1 Inv inscription papyrus [Light Parchment]
Glyph of the Cheetah Druid 25 150 3 Inv inscription inkgreen03 [Jadefire Ink] 1 Inv inscription papyrus [Light Parchment]
Glyph of Dash Druid 16 150 3 Inv inscription inkgreen03 [Jadefire Ink] 1 Inv inscription parchment [Common Parchment]
Inv glyph minorshaman [Glyph of Renewed Life] Shaman 30 150 3 Inv inscription inkgreen03 [Jadefire Ink] 1 Inv inscription parchment [Common Parchment]
Inv glyph minorshaman [Glyph of Water Walking] Shaman 28 150 3 Inv inscription inkgreen03 [Jadefire Ink] 1 Inv inscription parchment [Common Parchment]
Inv glyph minorpriest [Glyph of Shadow Protection] Priest 30 150 3 Inv inscription inkgreen03 [Jadefire Ink] 1 Inv inscription parchment [Common Parchment]
Inv glyph minorwarlock [Glyph of Enslave Demon] Warlock 30 150 3 Inv inscription inkgreen03 [Jadefire Ink] 1 Inv inscription parchment [Common Parchment]
Inv glyph minordruid [Glyph of the Ursol Chameleon] Druid 28 150 3 Inv inscription inkgreen03 [Jadefire Ink] 1 Inv inscription parchment [Common Parchment]
Inv glyph minorshaman [Glyph of Astral Recall] Shaman 30 150 3 Inv inscription inkgreen03 [Jadefire Ink] 1 Inv inscription parchment [Common Parchment]
Inv glyph minorhunter [Glyph of Feign Death] Hunter 30 150 3 Inv inscription inkgreen03 [Jadefire Ink] 1 Inv inscription parchment [Common Parchment]
Inv glyph majormage [Glyph of Armors] Mage 34 150 3 Inv inscription inkgreen03 [Jadefire Ink] 1 Inv inscription parchment [Common Parchment]
Inv glyph majorwarlock [Glyph of Curse of Exhaustion] Warlock 70 150 3 Inv inscription inkgreen03 [Jadefire Ink] 1 Inv inscription parchment [Common Parchment]
Inv glyph minorpriest [Glyph of Levitate] Priest 34 175 3 Inv inscription inkgreen03 [Jadefire Ink] 1 Inv inscription parchment [Common Parchment]
Inv glyph minorrogue [Glyph of Safe Fall] Rogue 40 200 3 Inv inscription inkpurple03 [Celestial Ink] 1 Inv inscription parchment [Common Parchment]
Inv glyph majordeathknight [Glyph of Pestilence] Death Knight 55 300 3 Inv inscription inkblack02 [Ethereal Ink] 1 Inv inscription scroll [Heavy Parchment]
Inv glyph minordeathknight [Glyph of Raise Dead] Death Knight 55 300 3 Inv inscription inkblack02 [Ethereal Ink] 1 Inv inscription scroll [Heavy Parchment]
Inv glyph minordeathknight [Glyph of Death's Embrace] Death Knight 55 300 3 Inv inscription inkblack02 [Ethereal Ink] 1 Inv inscription scroll [Heavy Parchment]
Inv glyph minordeathknight [Glyph of Corpse Explosion] Death Knight 55 300 3 Inv inscription inkblack02 [Ethereal Ink] 1 Inv inscription scroll [Heavy Parchment]
Inv glyph minordeathknight [Glyph of Horn of Winter] Death Knight 55 325 3 Inv inscription inkblack02 [Ethereal Ink] 1 Inv inscription certificate [Resilient Parchment]
Inv glyph minordeathknight [Glyph of the Geist] Death Knight 55 325? 3 Inv inscription inkblack02 [Ethereal Ink] 1 Inv inscription certificate [Resilient Parchment]
Inv glyph minorwarrior [Glyph of Enduring Victory] Warrior 62 325? 3 Inv inscription inkblack02 [Ethereal Ink] 1 Inv inscription certificate [Resilient Parchment]
Inv glyph minorwarlock [Glyph of Ritual of Souls] Warlock 68 350 3 Inv inscription inkpurple01 [Ink of the Sea] 1 Inv inscription certificate [Resilient Parchment]
Inv glyph minordruid [Glyph of Stars] Druid 70 350 3 Inv inscription inkpurple01 [Ink of the Sea] 1 Inv inscription certificate [Resilient Parchment]
Inv glyph majormage [Glyph of Blast Wave] Mage 70 350 3 Inv inscription inkpurple01 [Ink of the Sea] 1 Inv inscription certificate [Resilient Parchment]
Inv glyph minorpriest [Glyph of Shadowfiend] Priest 66 350? 3 Inv inscription inkpurple01 [Ink of the Sea] 1 Inv inscription certificate [Resilient Parchment]
Inv glyph minorshaman [Glyph of Thunderstorm] Shaman 70 350? 3 Inv inscription inkpurple01 [Ink of the Sea] 1 Inv inscription certificate [Resilient Parchment]
Inv glyph minorwarrior [Glyph of Command] Warrior 68 350? 3 Inv inscription inkpurple01 [Ink of the Sea] 1 Inv inscription certificate [Resilient Parchment]

Stub Please add any available information to this section.


The research doesn't go yellow until 125, so it is far and away the cheapest way to level inscription, though the cooldown makes it the slowest as well.

Obtaining new glyphs[]

There are currently a total of sixty-four minor glyphs in the game: six or seven for each of the ten classes, meaning that it will take at least two months of daily research to learn them all. Many minor glyphs require more than 75 skill in Inscription to learn; most notably the Death Knight glyphs and the glyphs for abilities that require level 60 or higher, such as Inv glyph minorwarrior [Glyph of Enduring Victory] and Inv glyph minorpriest [Glyph of Shadowfiend]. These glyphs will not affect your discovery chance if you have a low Inscription skill, as which glyph you discover is randomized among the glyphs you can learn. If you have learned all of the minor glyph recipes you have enough skill for, you will not discover anything when researching.

The level at which a given glyph can be discovered is usually dependent on the quality of ink / parchment required for it:

Ink Parchment Inscription level required
Inv inscription inkblack01 [Midnight Ink] Inv inscription papyrus [Light Parchment] 75
Inv inscription inkyellow02 [Lion's Ink] Inv inscription papyrus [Light Parchment] 100
Inv inscription inkyellow02 [Lion's Ink] Inv inscription parchment [Common Parchment] 125
Inv inscription inkgreen03 [Jadefire Ink] Inv inscription parchment [Common Parchment] 150
Inv inscription inkpurple03 [Celestial Ink] Inv inscription parchment [Common Parchment] 200
Inv inscription inkblack02 [Ethereal Ink] Inv inscription certificate [Resilient Parchment] 325

One notable exception is Inv glyph minorpriest [Glyph of Levitate], which requires Inv inscription inkgreen03 [Jadefire Ink] / Inv inscription parchment [Common Parchment] but 175 Inscription to discover.


In addition to the discovery chance, a random quantity (1-3) of a random type of scroll is produced. The types of scrolls that can be produced are the same as what you would normally be able to make when you first learn Minor Inscription Research. Having a higher skill in Inscription has no effect on the kind, quantity, or quality of scrolls produced.

The possible by-product scrolls are:

Item Amount
Inv inscription armorscroll01 [Enchanting Vellum] 1-2
Inv scroll 02 [Scroll of Agility II] 1-2
Inv scroll 01 [Scroll of Intellect II] 1-2
Inv scroll 01 [Scroll of Spirit II]
Inv scroll 07 [Scroll of Stamina II] 1-2
Inv scroll 02 [Scroll of Strength II] 1-2
Inv scroll 15 [Scroll of Recall] 1-2

External links[]
