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Image of Miwana
Title <Innkeeper>
Gender Female
Race Tauren (Humanoid)
Level 30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Thunder Bluff
Location Valley of Wisdom, Orgrimmar
Status Alive

Miwana is a tauren innkeeper who runs the Miwana's Longhouse inn within the Valley of Wisdom of Orgrimmar.

Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

After Vol'jin's death, she was seen speaking with Lonto and Rento outside the longhouse.


Item Cost
Inv misc food 37 [Alterac Swiss] 40s
Inv misc food 100 hardcheese [Briny Hardcheese] 1g 60s
Inv misc food 35 [Buttery Wheat Roll] 2g
Inv drink 11 [Carbonated Water] 2g 24s
Inv misc food 101 sourcheese [Chilton Stilton] 2g 56s
Inv drink 21 [Cobo Cola] 2g 56s
Inv misc food 33 [Cornmeal Biscuit] 2g 24s
Inv misc food 102 flatbread [Crusty Flatbread] 85s
Inv misc food 39 [Dalaran Sharp] 1s 25c
Inv misc food 06 [Darnassian Bleu] 25c
Inv misc food 07 [Dwarven Mild] 5s
Inv drink waterskin 11 [Filtered Draenic Water] 56s
Inv misc food 03 [Fine Aged Cheddar] 20s
Inv drink waterskin 01 [Fresh Water] 1g 10s
Inv misc food 12 [Freshly Baked Bread] 1s 25c
Inv misc food 102 flatbread [Frybread] 2g 56s
Inv misc food 94 garadarsharp [Garadar Sharp] 56s
Inv misc food 05 [Highland Sheep Cheese] 2g
Inv drink waterskin 07 [Highland Spring Water] 1g 37s 50c
Inv misc food 10 [Homemade Cherry Pie] 40s
Inv drink 25 honeytea [Honeymint Tea] 1g 10s
Inv drink milk 01 [Ice Cold Milk] 1s 25c
Inv misc food 95 grainbread [Mag'har Grainbread] 56s
Inv drink 09 [Melon Juice] 5s
Inv misc food 08 [Moist Cornbread] 5s
Inv drink 02 [Moonberry Juice] 20s
Inv potion 01 [Morning Glory Dew] 40s
Inv misc food 11 [Mulgore Spice Bread] 10s
Inv misc food pinenut [Pine Nut Bread] 1g 80s
Inv drink 24 sealwhey [Pungent Seal Whey] 85s
Inv misc food 100 hardcheese [Redridge Roquefort] 2g 24s
Inv drink 07 [Refreshing Spring Water] 25c
Inv misc candle 02 [Smoked String Cheese] 1g 80s
Inv misc food 09 [Soft Banana Bread] 20s
Inv misc food 101 sourcheese [Sour Goat Cheese] 85s
Inv drink waterskin 05 [Sparkling Oasis Water] 1g 23s 75c
Inv misc food 38 [Stormwind Brie] 10s
Inv drink 12 [Sweet Nectar] 10s
Inv misc food 103 potatobread [Sweet Potato Bread] 1g 60s
Inv misc food 11 [Tough Hunk of Bread] 25c



As the wind on the plains, you are always welcome here.

Inn Make this inn your home.

Buy Let me browse your goods.

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