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NeutralMixy Mak
Image of Mixy Mak
Gender Female
Race Sylvar (Humanoid)
Level 60
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Root Cellar, Ardenweald

Mixy Mak is a sylvar located in the Root Cellar of Ardenweald. She is one of the objectives of the "Break room" variant of N [60 Daily] Into the Unknown.


Inv misc beer 04 [Dewdrop Ale]
3g 24s
Inv drink 23 [Mulled Faewine]
3g 24s
Inv drink 29 sunkissedwine [Torchberry Wine]
3g 24s
Inv alchemy 70 potion3 drogbar [Wintermelon Brandy]
3g 24s


Hey there, welcome to the Root Cellar!
What can I get you?
Buy What drinks do you have?
Gossip Can you make me something special?
<Mak eyes you up and down.>
Yeah, I think I got just the thing for you. I'm gonna need some gorm juice though, and I just ran out. Mind going over and getting some from Squeezums over there? Don't worry about hurting it, it likes the attention.
Gossip Here's your gorm juice. This won't kill me, will it?
<Mak sloshes the fluid into a shaker and begins shaking vigorously.>
Kill you? Why? You alive or something? HAH!
Oh, you're serious. Nah, gorm juice is fine for you. Adds a nice mellow sweetness to the finish.
<Mak hands you the glass.>
Gossip Is that the Winter Wolf in the corner? Do you know him?
Of course I know him. Gwynceirw, in the flesh! And who can forget his trusty companion, Daffodil?
Look, just don't start any trouble. Last time a bunch of spriggans came in here looking to tussle, they picked a fight with him. Took me ages to clean up the place. How do entrails get up on the ceiling!? Where did all that blood come from?!
Gossip Is that faerie over there okay?
Oh, Shimmersod? Yeah, he's okay. Guy loves illusions, but sometimes he gets so drunk he can't remember which of him is the real one.
The real one though, he can really put them away. His favorite's the animai tai. He claims it's the smoothest and sweetest drink he's found in all of Ardenweald.
Knowing how much he drinks, I'm pretty proud of that compliment. Want to try one?
Gossip Can I play the instruments?
Sure, just don't go breaking them. Marasmius always complains that the harps get snagged on him. Don't ask me how THAT works.

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