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HordeMoat Monster!
Start Armand Cromwell
End Armand Cromwell
Level 10-70
Type Daily
Category Fishing
Experience Varies by level
Rewards Varies by level (or 16g 54s at max level)


Use the Alliance Decoy Kit to summon the Moat Monster in the Ruins of Lordaeron. Then use the Bloated Frogs to feed the monster.


Sometimes fishing means throwing something back, <class>.

We've been overfeeding these frogs for just that occasion. We've fed these frogs, bloated spiders, that were fed bloated flies, and now, we are going to feed a real monster.

The moat above, in the Ruins of Lordaeron, is home to our very own Moat Monster.

Today is feeding day. But we must train it as well. In this bag, you will find a decoy kit and some Bloated Frogs. Use the decoy kit, then toss the frogs to the monster when it appears.


You will receive:


The dead feed the flies. The flies feed the spiders. The spiders feed the frogs. The frogs feed our moat monster... It's a beautiful circle of life with the goal of ending life.


NOTE: The moat is NOT the one at the bottom of Undercity. The moat is above ground in the Ruins of Lordaeron before you enter the ruined building to get to the elevators.

First use the Ability rogue disguise [Alliance Decoy Kit] given to you in the Inv misc bag 17 [Moat Monster Feeding Kit] to call the Moat Monster. When you use the kit, your character will put on an Alliance mask and will randomly say one of these lines:

  • I am drunk, like many of my fellow dwarves. I've dug a tunnel and wound up here. Who wants to drink?
  • I'm so angry that we lost Wintergrasp, again! I will try to kill your leader, the all powerful, Sylvanas, instead.
  • Hey, look, there are people here. Nothing at all like that tree city that I, a night elf, live in.
  • Our loss in Tol Barad will be avenged! I will try to bring death to this grand city. Cower as I try to remember a battle cry!
  • This city is so big, to me, a tiny, pathetic gnome.
  • Tremble in fear you mighty members of the Horde, the Alliance is here!
  • Where am I? I crashed with the Exodar and now stumbled into this imposing city...
  • Yoo hoo! I am here to slay Sylvanas!

The Moat Monster will extend a tentacle out of the moat. Throw the Bloated Frogs at the monster. It will eat a few frogs and then submerge. You'll have to call it 2-3 times to throw 10 frogs.

Patch changes[]

  • Legion Hotfix (2016-08-08): “Moat Monster!” can again be completed properly.
  • Legion Hotfix (2016-08-04): The Moat Monster Feeding Kit has been repaired so that players can again complete the quest "Moat Monster!".
  • Cataclysm Patch 4.1.0 (2011-04-26): Added.

External links[]
