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NeutralMok'rash the Cleaver
Start Captain Hecklebury Smotts
End Captain Hecklebury Smotts
Level 10-30
Category Cape of Stranglethorn
Experience 4,350
Reputation +500 Booty Bay
Rewards Inv jewelry ring 53naxxramas [Smotts' Signet], Inv shoulder 134v3 [Sea Song Epaulettes], Inv helmet 175v2 [Landlubber Headband], Inv pants mail 39v1 [Sea Legs], or Inv helmet 175v2 [Landlubber Helm]


Kill Mok'rash the Cleaver at Janeiro's Point.


Mok'rash the Cleaver is the last of the lot. And the largest, by my memory. Taller than a wave in a windstorm, with a beard like a kelp forest and a hammer like an oak tree.

He taunts me from Janeiro's Point, the island right off the end of this very pier. It's because of him that I'm still trapped here, living this lamentable landlubber's life.

If you can swim, then head out to Janeiro's Point and slay Mok'rash.

Take care, <name>. Mok'rash will not lay down as easily as his brothers.


You will receive: 1g.

You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv jewelry ring 53naxxramas [Smotts' Signet] Inv shoulder 134v3 [Sea Song Epaulettes]
Inv helmet 175v2 [Landlubber Headband] Inv pants mail 39v1 [Sea Legs]
Inv helmet 175v2 [Landlubber Helm]


Mok'rash... Negolash... Gorlash... they're all gone.

I suppose I have no excuses now. I can return to the high seas and a life of pillage and booty! And it's all thanks to you.

Now I just need to get myself a ship...


  1. N [10-30] The Captain's Chest
  2. N [10-30] A Giant's Feast
  3. N [10-30] A Dish Best Served Huge
  4. N [10-30] Mok'rash the Cleaver

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