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AllianceMorbent Fel
Start Sven Yorgen
End Sven Yorgen
Level 32 (Requires 21)
Type Group
Category Duskwood
Experience 3850
Reputation +500 Stormwind
Rewards Inv staff 05 [Torch of Holy Flame] and
Inv pants 08 [Night Watch Pantaloons]
orInv misc cape 05 [Watch Master's Cloak]
orInv helmet 02 [Sparkmetal Coif]
Previous A [29] Armed and Ready

This quest concludes the Morbent Fel quest chain.


Use Inv staff 05 [Morbent's Bane] on Morbent Fel, kill Morbent Fel, then return Morbent's Bane to Sven at his camp.


Morbent Fel hides in his lair, the house perched atop the hill to the east overlooking the Raven Hill cemetery. His time in this land is drawing to an end...

Use Morbent's Bane against him. It will render his protective magics powerless.

Slay him. Slay him, and save us from his wickedness. Be the instrument of my revenge, and a hero of Duskwood!


You will receive:
Inv staff 05 [Torch of Holy Flame]
You will be able to choose one of the following:
Inv pants 08 [Night Watch Pantaloons] Inv misc cape 05 [Watch Master's Cloak]
Inv helmet 02 [Sparkmetal Coif]

You will also receive:


Is Morbent Fel defeated?!


Morbent Fel has been defeated. The dark riders are still at large, but a small piece of that which I had hoped beyond hope has come to pass.

You have done the impossible, and your deeds will forever live in the legends of Duskwood.

Go, <name>. And perhaps, one day, fate may bring you back to me...


The rewards from this quest include a piece of head armor, one of the lowest level quests to provide such a reward.

Morbent Fel is in the top floor of the house just east of Sven. He has three guards in the room with him. A group is highly recommended for this quest.

While it is possible to cause damage to Morbent Fel without first using Inv staff 05 [Morbent's Bane], it is extremely difficult. As Morbent's Bane is an offhanded item, attempting to use it will put it in your offhand slot first. Be prepared and have it equipped before you attempt to take him down. Also, if you manage to kill him without using it, you will not get credit for doing so.

It has been reported that some rogues, level 30+ have been able to solo this by sapping Morbent Fel then taking out the guards and Vanishing.


  1. A [23] Deliveries to Sven (optional)
  2. A [25] Sven's Revenge
  3. A [25] Sven's Camp
  4. A [25] The Shadowy Figure
  5. A [25] The Shadowy Search Continues
  6. A [25] Inquire at the Inn
  7. A [25] Finding the Shadowy Figure
  8. A [25] Return to Sven
  9. A [28] Proving Your Worth
  10. A [29] Seeking Wisdom
  11. A [29] The Doomed Fleet
  12. A [29] Lightforge Iron
  13. A [29] The Lost Ingots
  14. A [29] Blessed Arm
  15. A [29] Armed and Ready
  16. A [32G] Morbent Fel

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