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AllianceMore Anchor Pods
Start Declan Senal
End Declan Senal
Level 10-50
Category Herbalism
Rewards Herbalism Technique: Anchor Weed (Rank 3)
Previous A Herbalism [10-50] Enormous Anchor Pod
For the Horde version of this quest, see H Herbalism [10-50] More Anchor Pods.


Harvest 9 Mature Anchor Pods from anchor weed.


Everyone in Kul Tiras knows that anchor weed is a blight that was brought here by merchants.

It thrives in this weather and it leechs nutrients from other plants, so we work to keep it from spreading, but it also has a strong magical essence, keeping us from just eradicating it.

However, if it has mutated so it can disperse more seeds, we may need to finally purge it.

Bring me the biggest seed pods you can find, we need to see if this is a unique case. I'll dissect this one and learn what I can.


If the anchor weed is mutating, we may need to purge it from this land. Do you have the other seed pods for comparison?


You will learn: Herbalism Technique: Anchor Weed (Rank 3)


These all look reasonably sized, which helps to confirm my suspicions.

While I was dissecting the enormous pod, I found glass splinters and noticed that the interior had an alchemical smell. It sounds crazy, but I think an adventurer dropped an elixir of giant growth, shattering the vial and this plant soaked it up.

The enlarged anatomy of the giant pod let me notice that these thick walls of the seed pod are actually thin and lined with additional seeds!  You can peel the pod for more seeds!


  1. Complete all of:
  2. B Herbalism [25-50] Seeking More Knowledge
  3. Inv farm herbseed [Enormous Anchor Pod] / Inv misc herb anchorweed [Mature Anchor Pod]]

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