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HordeMore Anchor Pods
Start Jahden Fla
End Jahden Fla
Level 10-50
Category Herbalism
Rewards Herbalism Technique: Anchor Weed (Rank 3)
Previous H Herbalism [10-50] Enormous Anchor Pod
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A Herbalism [10-50] More Anchor Pods.


Collect 9 Mature Anchor Pods from anchor weed.


I need you to bring me a handful of mature anchor pods.

You see, dis seed pod is massive, but it is still just a seed pod. If we dissect it and take careful notes, we can learn about de normal, smaller seed pods and easily see how de anatomy works.

I need you to bring me more of dese mature anchor pods. If my theory is correct, den we could actually have a factual record for de future.


I just finished with my notes from dissecting de massive seed pod. Do you have de other seed pods for comparison?


You will learn: Herbalism Technique: Anchor Weed (Rank 3)


I am still unsure as to how dis thing got so big, but I am willing to believe dat it is a gift from de Loa.

Dat said, when I was dissecting de big pod, I noticed dat what I thought were just thick walls along de exterior of de pod were actually a separate chamber full of seeds! See? If you carefully trim and peel back de skin on de normal pod, you can harvest some extra seeds.


  1. Complete all of:
  2. B Herbalism [25-50] Seeking More Knowledge
  3. Inv farm herbseed [Enormous Anchor Pod] / Inv misc herb anchorweed [Mature Anchor Pod]]

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