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HordeMore Than Illness
Start Konu Runetotem
End Konu Runetotem
Level 15-30
Category Feralas
Experience 2,100
Reputation +250 Thunder Bluff
Rewards Inv helmet 173 [Emerald Veil]
or Inv shoulder 136v3 [Green Whelp Shoulderguard]
or Inv chest mail 19v3 [Konu's Platemail]
or Inv staff 07 [Runetotem Staff]
or Inv shoulder 136v3 [Green Whelp Spaulders]
or Inv sword 21 [Runetotem Slicer]
2g 77s 50c
Previous Signs of Change
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [15-30] More Than Illness.


Kill 10 Noxious Whelps.


We've found a brood of dragon whelps gathered off the road to the north, and they show the same illness as the stags.

Green dragons are not simple beasts of nature, but the very guardians of the wild. They are magical creatures, and to see them ill as well implies this is a dangerous threat.

We must stop this from spreading further through any means. Slay the infected whelps, <name>, and return to me.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv helmet 173 [Emerald Veil] Inv shoulder 136v3 [Green Whelp Shoulderguard]
Inv chest mail 19v3 [Konu's Platemail] Inv staff 07 [Runetotem Staff]
Inv shoulder 136v3 [Green Whelp Spaulders] Inv sword 21 [Runetotem Slicer]

You will also receive:


The task may seem cruel, <name>, but it must be done. We must preserve balance.


These events disturb me greatly. My study of the antlers while you were gone has revealed little.

We must find some way to fix this...


After completing the quest, the following exchange occurs:

Konu Runetotem says: I am at a loss. Perhaps only the Earth Mother herself knows the cause of this. But we must do something before this continues...
Ysondre appears in front of Konu.
Ysondre says: Your sincerity is moving, druid.
Konu Runetotem says: You are no night elf...this is the guise of a green dragon! By the Earth mother, I...
Konu Runetotem kneels before Ysondre
Ysondre says: I deserve no such respect or reverence, druid. I have betrayed my own kind. The illness of this land is my fault.
Ysondre says: The sickness is born of the Nightmare within the Emerald Dream, and the dragon Taerar spreads it. He is but a crazed shade of his former self, but will see this land devoured.
Ysondre says: I cannot face him myself. To even approach him would risk letting the same corruption overtake me once more.
Konu Runetotem says: What must we do?
Ysondre says: The earth itself weeps in its suffering. Gather its tears, and use them to seal the portal at the Great Tree. The connection to the Dream must be cut.
Ysondre says: Be brave, heroes.
Ysondre disappears.


  1. Breadcrumbs: H [15-30] The Wilds of Feralas, H [15-30] Warchief's Command: Feralas!
  2. H [15-30] Signs of Change
  3. H [15-30] More Than Illness
  4. H [15-30] Tears of Stone, H [15-30] The Land, Corrupted
  5. H [15-30] Sealing the Dream
  6. H [15-30] To Stonemaul Hold

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