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For the lore of the character, see Moroes.
Image of Moroes
Gender Male
Race Human (Undead)
Level 47 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Karazhan
Status Killable

Moroes is the third boss in Return to Karazhan.

Adventure Guide[]

Moroes, the steward of Karazhan, dotes upon his master's dinner guests within the grand Banquet Hall. Eternally devoted to the care of the tower, he dispatches impolite party crashers with cruel efficiency.


As the fight progresses, Moroes uses Garrote to continously spread damage across the party. Moroes casts Ghastly Purge at 60% health, making all his dinner guests immune to crowd control abilities.

Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers[]

  • Kill the additional dinner guests before Moroes uses Ghastly Purge to make them immune to stuns and bonds.
  • Use Ghost Traps on Moroes' dinner guests.

Healer Alert Healers[]

  • Tanks take increased damage when effected by Coat Check.
  • Moroes uses Garrote to spread damage throughout the party.
  • Use Ghost Traps on Moroes' dinner guests.

Tank Alert Tanks[]

  • Use cooldowns when effected by Coat Check.


  • Ability hunter traplauncher Ghost Trap Important — Hurl a trap at the feet of a ghostly dinner guest in order to trap them within it, incapacitating them for 1.2 min.
  • Moroes
    • Ability vanish Vanish — Vanishes and appears behind a random enemy to garrote them.
    • Ability rogue garrote Garrote — Appears behind the target and garrotes them, inflicting 499500 to 580500 Physical damage on impact and 64125 to 70875 Physical damage every 1 sec. This effect stacks.
    • Ability warrior shieldbreak Coat Check Tank Alert — Strips the current target of their armor reducing their protection by 75%. Moroes then provides his target with a complimentary robe, because its not "that" sort of dinner party.
    • Achievement halloween ghost 01 Ghastly Purge Important — At 60% health, Moroes purges his dinner guests of all stuns and bonds and makes them immune to these effects for the remainder of the encounter.

Moroes' Dinner Guests Important[]

  • Inv misc food legion heartyfeast Dinner Party Important — Increases the damage and attack speed of nearby dinner guests.
  • Baroness Dorothea Millstipe
    • Spell arcane arcane04 Arcane Blast — Blasts a random enemy, inflicting 78602 to 91398 Arcane damage.
    • Spell shadow soulleech 2 Mana Drain Important — Drains 300537 to 349463% mana and inflicts 123500 to 136500 Arcane damage every 1 sec to the current target in addition to stunning them for 6 sec.
  • Lady Catriona Von'Indi
    • Spell holy holysmite Smite — Smites an enemy, inflicting 102182 to 118818 Holy damage.
    • Ability paladin infusionoflight Healing Stream Important — Heals Moroes for 25% every 1 sec for 6 sec.
  • Baron Rafe Dreuger
    • Warrior talent icon mastercleaver Iron Whirlwind — Spins violently, inflicting 185250 to 204750 Physical damage every 1 sec to nearby enemies for 8 sec.
  • Tank Alert Lady Keira Berrybuck
    • Spell priest vowofunity Empowered Arms Important — Increases Moroes' attack speed by 75% and damage done by 100% for 30 sec.
  • Tank Alert Lord Robin Daris
    • Warrior wild strike Whirling Edge — Throws an enchanted blade towards a random player. Upon landing the blade begins to whirl inflicting 221812 to 233188 Physical damage every 2 sec to all enemies within the zone.
  • Tank Alert Lord Crispin Ference
    • Ability warrior rallyingcry Will Breaker Tank Alert — The swings his weapon, inflicting 555750 to 614250 Holy damage to targets in a line in front of the caster.


Item Type
Inv inscription weaponscroll03 [Illusion: Mongoose] Weapon illusion
Inv misc gem emeraldrough 02 [Jagged Emerald] Iron Artifact Relic
Inv misc food 19 [Perfectly Preserved Apple] Life Artifact Relic
Inv helmet mail legionendgame c 01 [Castellan's Blinders] Mail helmet
Inv chest plate legionendgame c 01 [Breastplate of Obligation] Plate chest
Inv robe cloth legionendgame c 01 [Robes of Wicked Modesty] Cloth chest
Inv pant leather legionendgame c 01 [Willbreaker Legguards] Leather leggings
Inv 70 dungeon ring4d [Seal of Darkshire Nobility] Ring
Inv holiday tow spicebandage [Bloodstained Handkerchief] Melee DPS trinket
Inv misc pocketwatch 02 [Broken Pocket Watch] Quest item


The master has not been himself for quite some time. Perhaps a feast will brighten his spirit.
  • I don't believe the master is expecting you!
  • I do so detest party crashers!
  • I'll drag you out by your scruff!
  • May we see your invitation?
Coat Check
  • May I take your jacket?
  • Mind your manners!
I insist you dress for dinner!
Ghastly Purge
Stop troubling the master's guests!
Killed a player
  • Nothing a good sprinkling of sawdust can't handle.
  • I'll have the cleaning crew take care of this... mess.
  • Hm! Seems that one had enough for the evening.
  • Stop being such a nuisance!
  • Perhaps your party would be more comfortable at the children's table.
  • The guards really must do a better job of keeping out the ruffians.
  • Seems I'll be... retiring... for... the evening...
  • Master... I hope... I served you... well...
  • I fear that I am currently... indisposed...
  • I will just need... a moment...
Unused quote
Oh goodness me. That will... leave a mark...


Patch changes[]

  • Legion Hotfix (2017-04-03):
    • The periodic damage of Garrote has been reduced by 30% in Heroic and Mythic difficulties.
    • Players can now use their abilities to remove the bleed damage.
  • Legion Patch 7.1.0 (2016-10-25): Added

External links[]
