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Image of Morphaz
Race Green drake (Dragonkin)
Level    Retail: 52 - 62 Elite
Classic: 52 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Emerald Nightmare
Former affiliation(s) Green dragonflight
Location Temple of Atal'Hakkar
Status Killable

Morphaz is an elite green drake and member of the Wardens of the Dream found in the Temple of Atal'Hakkar. He appears in the central chamber when Jammal'an the Prophet is defeated. Eranikus has 4 young but fit and eager green drakes under his direct command: Dreamscythe, Weaver, Hazzas, and Morphaz - who themselves command a huge army of Nightmare dragonspawn and whelps.

Years ago, Morphaz overwhelmed Archmage Xylem in a bold ambush and consumed a whole apprentice. While Xylem was not overly concerned with the loss of the apprentice, this particular one was carrying an arcane shard of unsurpassed size and quality that he wishes retrieved.


  • Spell nature acid 01 Acid Breath — The Wardens of the Dream breath acid, inflicting Nature damage instantly and additional Nature damage every 3 seconds for 15 sec to all players in front of them.
  • Spell nature earthbind Wing Flap — The Wardens of the Dream thrash their wings, knocking all players in front of them backwards.


Morphaz can be solo'ed since he doesn't inflict much damage, he can be attacked without Dreamscythe being alerted since he might not be too close to notice. But they are both manageable.

If done in a party, the party needs to split since all his attacks excluding his claw attack are AoE.

Objective of[]


Shares the following Loot with Hazzas, Dreamscythe and Weaver.

Quest Loot:


  • His name might be based on Morpheus, the Greek god of dreams.

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