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The following tables compares various movement methods and bonuses.


Basic swimming speed is 413/18 yards per second, which is just over two-thirds of the 7 yd/sec running speed.

Movement type yd/sec Run % Swim %
Normal swimming  4.7222  67.46% 100%
Normal swimming with Swift Landing
Inv belt 22 [Azure Silk Belt]
Inv jewelry ring 171 [Glompmaw's Ring]
 5.4306  77.58% 115%
Spell shadow demonbreath [Unending Breath]  5.6667  80.95% 120%
Trade fishing [Hook of the Master Angler]  6.375  91.07% 135%
Inv misc gem pearl 14 [Speedbarge Diving Helm] (swimming)  7.5556 107.94% 160%
Most aquatic mounts
Ability druid travelform [Travel Form]
Inv potion 13 [Swim Speed Potion]
Inv leatherworking shimmerscaledivingsuit [Shimmerscale Diving Suit]
Inv eng unstabletemporaltimeshifter [Pocket-Sized Computation Device] via Inv misc punchcards blue [Slipstream Generator]
 9.4444 134.92% 200%
Inv elemental primal water [Sea Legs] (swimming) 10.3417 147.74% 219%
Inv misc basket 04 [Feast of the Fishes] 10.6250 151.79% 225%
Inv misc gem pearl 14 [Speedbarge Diving Helm] (running)
Inv elemental primal water [Sea Legs] (running)
11.2 160% 237%
Inv misc 2h draenorfishingpole b 01 [Underlight Angler] with Inv misc fish 93 [Underlight Blessing] 11.8055 168.7% 250%
Inv helmet 49 [Cursed Swabby Helmet] 14.1666 202.38% 300%
Inv elemental primal water [Sea Legs] on most aquatic mounts 18.8889 269.84% 400%
Ability mount seahorse [Vashj'ir Seahorse] 25.9722 371.03% 550%

On foot[]

Abilities, Talents, & Glyphs
Movement type yd/sec Run %
Walking 2.5 35.7%
Running  7 100%
Minor Speed (equipment) 7.56 108%
Priest icon innewill [Inner Will] 7.70 110%
Spell druid tirelesspursuit [Feline Swiftness] 8.05 115%
Ability paladin veneration [Pursuit of Justice] 0 HP 8.05 115%
Spell deathknight unholypresence [Unholy Presence] 8.05 115%
Ability paladin veneration [Pursuit of Justice] 1 HP 8.4 120%
Ability paladin veneration [Pursuit of Justice] 2 HP 8.75 125%
Ability mount jungletiger [Aspect of the Cheetah] / Ability mount whitetiger [Aspect of the Pack] 9.1 130%
Spell nature spiritwolf [Ghost Wolf] 9.1 130%
Ability paladin veneration [Pursuit of Justice] 3 HP 9.1 130%
Ability druid travelform [Travel Form] 9.8 140%
Spell fire burningspeed [Blazing Speed] 10.5 150%
Spell holy symbolofhope [Body and Soul] 11.2 160%
Ability druid dash [Dash] 11.9 170%
Ability rogue sprint [Sprint] 11.9 170%


The items below increase movement speed on foot by various amounts, and may or may not stack with other movement speed bonuses.



Passive Equip Items:

Active (Use) Equip Items:

Temporarily Consumables:


Movement type yd/sec Run % mph
Apprentice riding 11.2 160% 22.909
  +10% 12.32 176% 25.2
  +20% 13.44 192% 27.491
Journeyman riding 14 200% 28.636
  +10% 15.4 220% 31.5
  +20% 16.8 240% 34.364
Expert flying / Ability druid flightform [Flight Form] 17.5 250% 35.795
  +10% 19.25 275% 39.375
  +20% 21 300% 42.955
Artisan flying / Ability druid flightform [Swift Flight Form] 26.6 380% 54.409
  +10% 29.26 418% 59.85
  +20% 31.92 456% 65.291
Master flying / Swift Flight Form 28.7 410% 58.705
  +10% 31.57 451% 64.575
  +20% 34.44 492% 70.445
Flight paths 30.30 433% 61.972


Speed decreasing effects[]

There are different types of debuffs that negatively affect movement:

  • Snare debuffs decrease movement by a certain percentage.
  • Spell frost stun [Dazed] debuffs decrease movement speed to 50% of your base movement speed, or whatever the minimum limit for movement speed is.
  • Root debuffs stop movement.

See also[]
