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For the battle pet, see Inv pet cats siamesecat [Mr. Bigglesworth].

NeutralMr. Bigglesworth
Image of Mr
Gender Male
Race Slime cat (Undead)
Level 5 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Sanctum of Domination
Status Active
Companion(s) Kel'Thuzad (owner)

MobMr. Bigglesworth
Image of Mr
Gender Male
Race House cat (Critter)
Level 5
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Naxxramas
Status Killable
Companion(s) Kel'Thuzad (owner)
Arachnid Quarter

Grand Widow Faerlina


Construct Quarter



Plague Quarter

Noth the Plaguebringer
Heigan the Unclean


Military Quarter

Instructor Razuvious
Gothik the Harvester
The Four Horsemen


The Four Horsemen

Lady Blaumeux
Thane Korth'azz
Baron Rivendare
Sir Zeliek


Frostwyrm Lair



Other NPCs

Mr. Bigglesworth



Mr. Bigglesworth is the pet house cat of Kel'Thuzad. According to Eligor Dawnbringer, Bigglesworth was the last living creature in Kel'Thuzad's citadel Naxxramas and was said to be the last thread connecting Kel'Thuzad to his mortal life.[1]


Mr. Bigglesworth can be found wandering just inside the entrance to the Naxxramas raid as a neutral level 5 house cat. Killing him causes Kel'Thuzad to yell:

Kel'Thuzad yells: No!!! A curse upon you, interlopers! The armies of the Lich King will hunt you down. You will not escape your fate...

He'll periodically attack the maggots and roaches that meander around the room. Contrary to rumors spread by some players, killing him has no effect whatsoever on any aspect of the instance.

The Lil' K.T. vanity pet will kill this version of Mr. Bigglesworth, despite the irony of the situation.

Sanctum of Domination[]

Bigglesworth's soul accompanied his master to the Shadowlands and appears in the Sanctum of Domination as a slime cat. He is involved in the raid achievement Ability deathknight heartstopaura [Together Forever]. To complete this achievement, players must first find and pet him in both of his hiding spots (after being pet each time, he'll run off deeper into the sanctum and despawn):

  1. Among several Ashen Phylacteries in the northeasternmost corner of the Shadowsteel Foundry[64, 58]VZ-Sanctum of Domination-s2Blip
  2. Behind a crate in the Torment Chambers[72.7, 57.4]VZ-Sanctum of Domination-s3Blip

He'll subsequently spawn in Kel'Thuzad's room, the Throne of the Damned, where the player can use an extra action button[citation needed]  to place him on their head. In the second stage of Kel'Thuzad's encounter, "The Phylactery Opens", the player carrying Bigglesworth needs to enter the Phylactery and use the extra action button to put him on the ground next to the Remnant of Kel'Thuzad. This will give the Remnant the Ability deathknight heartstopaura Thawed Heart buff, increasing his damage done by 500% for the rest of the encounter. Completing the encounter with this buff active rewards the achievement.

Notes and trivia[]

  • A Spectral Cat with Bigglesworth's appearance can be found outside the Hall of Sorcery in Maldraxxus. It's unclear how this relates to Mr. Bigglesworth's appearance in the Sanctum of Domination.
  • The slime cat Mr. Jigglesworth's name is a reference to Bigglesworth.
  • Mr. Bigglesworth is also the name of Dr. Evil's cat in the Austin Powers film series.
  • Despite being described as the last living creature in Naxxramas by Eligor Dawnbringer, the Inv pet cats siamesecat [Mr. Bigglesworth] battle pet is classified as undead.
  • Mr. Bigglesworth has a few appearances in Hearthstone, generally secret ones.
  • Mr. Bigglesworth appears in Heroes of the Storm as part of Kel'Thuzad's dance animation. His meowing can be heard in the background of one of Kel'Thuzad's poke quotes, in which the lich tells him: "Oh no, don't you worry, Mr. Bigglesworth! I won't let anyone harm you this time!"
    • Early on in development, Kel'Thuzad had a talent which allowed him to summon Bigglesworth as a controllable pet with a spell power aura. Another idea was that Bigglesworth would be a scout unit that would run away if attacked, enraging Kel'Thuzad and granting him a huge damage buff for a short amount of time. The ideas were scrapped because it felt tedious to have to constantly maneuver a pet while trying to land Kel'Thuzad's ability combos.[3]


Fan art

Patch changes[]

See also[]


  1. ^ Eligor Dawnbringer's lecture
  2. ^ Ben Brode on Twitter (2017-06-05). Retrieved on 2017-08-21.​ “Check out this initial design for Naxxramas back from 2013! Pretty different from what ended up shipping!
  3. ^ Kyle Dates in "Heroes of the Storm Design AMA - May 9, 2019" (2019-05-09). Retrieved on 2020-05-30.

External links[]

Sanctum of Domination