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HordeMurder at the Brawl'gar Arena
Start Paul North
End Commander Arlu Ravenhide
Level 120 (Requires 120)
Category Brawler's Guild
Experience 17,850
Rewards 23g 40s
Next H [120] Put Up Your Dukes
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [120] Murder at the Brawlpub.


Investigate the scene of the crime.


The Brawl'gar quartermaster lies dead in front of you. He was murdered in broad daylight!

He must have been assassinated while someone was fighting in the arena. Maybe even during one of your fights.

Perhaps there are some clues nearby as to who might have killed him.


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 17,850 XP


And who might you be?


So, you took it upon yourself to investigate the murder? Interesting...

<Commander Ravenhide jots something down, looks up at you, and then finishes writing his notes.>


Talking to Stone Guard Mollivox before the crime scene will give you the following line:


So, ahh... how about them fights?

After the objects have been examined, Stone Guard Mollivox will try to get the attention of the adventurer:

  • Stone Guard Mollivox whispers: Hey!

Talk to her and she'll have this to say:


Did, ahh... did I just see you interfering with an active murder investigation?

Gossip No, I was just looking for clues.

The line between "looking for clues" and "obstructing justice" is a pretty thin one.

What're you some kind o' <girl/boy>-<class>-detective?

Gossip I was just trying to help out.

<She eyes you suspiciously for a moment.>

You'd better go talk with my commanding officer. He's running this case. You'll find him working in the back of the bar, over on the other side of the arena.

Gossip Fine! I'll go talk to him.

  • I've got my eyes on you, <girl/boy> detective!


  1. H [120] Murder at the Brawl'gar Arena
  2. H [120] Put Up Your Dukes
  3. H [120] Undercover Agent: Sharisanda
  4. H [120] The Financial Participation Incentive
  5. H [120] A Favor for Your Ol' Pal Buxdoggle
  6. H [120] The Pit Boss's Debts
  7. H [120] Evidence Packet: Pit Boss Buxdoggle
  8. H [120] Undercover Agent: Stone Guard Mollivox
  9. H [120] Soul Splinters
  10. H [120] Super Soul Splinters
  11. H [120] Cause for Concern
  12. H [120] The Precious 13-Tooth Gogglegear
  13. H [120] The Mollivox Goggle Experiment
  14. H [120] Evidence Packet: Shadowmaster Skrizzik
  15. H [120] Undercover Agent: Nugg Lumbo
  16. H [120] Flaunt It If You Got It
  17. H [120] Simply Dying of Boredom
  18. H [120] Evidence Packet: Libbiara Blightrunner
  19. H [120] The Brawl'gar Trial
  20. H [120] A Clue from Area 52
  21. H [120] Solving the Mystery

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