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NeutralMurloc Motes
Start Andantenormu [59.8, 66.1]VZ-AzmerlothBlip
End Andantenormu [59.8, 66.1]VZ-AzmerlothBlip
Level 68-70
Category Thaldraszus
Experience 10,250
Reputation +100 Valdrakken Accord
Rewards Inv heartofazeroth [Heart of Azmerloth]
27g 62s
Previous N [68-70] To the... Past?
Next B [68-70] Deathwingurlugull!


Drain 12 Temporal Motes.

  • Temprgrlglr Motes collected (12)


An alternate timeline born from murlocs??!

Forgive my selfishness, but would you obtain a few stray motes of temporal energy while you locate Ambassador Chronomu[sic]?

Just walk into them and your staff should do the rest. I will examine the data later. When we are not in the middle of venturing through rips in Azeroth's varied realities.


You will also receive:


I have no doubt we shall succeed against the Infinite this day, and studying this foreign energy will be our reward!


Astounding work!

Now, what do you imagine the murlocs of this Murloc World are? I shudder to think...


Pick up B [68-70] Mugurlglrlgl! from Varian Wryngrrlgulgll or Thrallgrulgulgul next to Andantenormu before heading out.

Temprgrlglr Motes are marked on the minimap all over the quest area.

Don't get too close to Deathwingurlugull, as the fires on the ground will Fear the player away and deal 7% of max health in damage every second!

Ability warlock inferno Murglrn Flame — Increases the movement speed of the caster by 100% for 5 sec. Inflicts 7% of maximum health as Fire damage to an enemy every 1 sec for 5 sec. 5 sec debuff.


  1. N [68-70] Tumbling Through Time
  2. Complete all of:
    1. N [68-70] To the Future!
    2. N [68-70] Resistance Isn't Futile & N [68-70] Making Time
    3. N [68-70] Return to the Present
  3. Complete all of:
    1. N [68-70] To the... Past?
    2. N [68-70] Murloc Motes & B [68-70] Mugurlglrlgl!
    3. B [68-70] Deathwingurlugull!
    4. N [68-70] Back to Reality
  4. N [68-70] On Your Mark... Get Set...
  5. N [68-70] Race Through Time!
  6. N [68-70] Chromie Time
  7. N [68-70] Back to the Future
  8. N [68-70] Moving On

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