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Inv misc food meat oxribs1000
  • Mushan Ribs
  • Crafting Reagent
  • Sell Price: 3s

Mushan Ribs drop from any mushan beast on Pandaria. Like other cooking ingredients obtained from hunting creatures, the highest drop rates are from level 90 mobs, in this case the mushan in the Dread Wastes and at the Skyrange of Valley of the Four Winds. While its uses are limited compared to other Pandaren cooking ingredients, it is still needed to make certain raid feasts, including Inv misc noodle cart epic level [Pandaren Treasure Noodle Cart Kit].

They can also be purchased from Nam Ironpaw at Halfhill Market in Valley of the Four Winds; one Inv relics idolofferocity [Ironpaw Token] purchases a Inv misc bag 10 red [Sack of Mushan Ribs] which contains five of them.

As an ingredient[]



  • During the beta, this item was renamed from Ox Ribs.

Patch changes[]

External links[]
