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NeutralMy First Real Emergency!
Start Sendrax
End Wrathion
Level 60-62
Category The Dragonscale Expedition
Experience 4,550
Reputation +150 Dragonscale Expedition
Rewards 12g 87s
Previous N [60-62] Excuse the Mess
Next N [60-62] The Djaradin Have Awoken


Convince Sendrax to fire her emergency signal flare to alert the dragons of your arrival.


<Sendrax looks puzzled.>

I have never known the majordomo to be late to anything, much less THIS late to something THIS important.

Most unusual...

<Sendrax perks up at a thought.>

I could use my emergency signal flare to alert them to your arrival. Then they would come rushing to greet you immediately!

I've never fired my emergency signal flare before, though...


You will receive:


Well then, <name>. What do you say? Do you fancy a fight alongside your newfound dragon acquaintances?

I assure you, there is no quicker way to earn their trust.


Speaking with Sendrax
Gossip (Quest) Send the signal flare to alert the dragons of our arrival.
Sendrax says: We were trained to only use these signal flares if the situation is dire.
Sendrax says: But I suppose this is a type of emergency.
Sendrax shots a flare. She and the two explorers move forward.
Sendrax says: There! Majordomo Selistra will arrive soon.
Naleidea Rivergleam says: Does the majordomo personally respond to every call for help?
Sendrax says: Oh yes. In times of trouble, there is no one Queen Alexstrasza trusts more.
Toddy Whiskers says: Here they come!
Naleidea Rivergleam says: Incredible!
Wrathion says: Ah, look who we have here!
Majordomo Selistra says: We saw the flare and assumed the worst. What is wrong, Cadet Sendrax?
Sendrax says: Majordomo. The new arrivals... were wondering where you were... and I thought--
Majordomo Selistra says: I see.
Majordomo Selistra says: There was a reason for our absence. An ancient rival, the djaradin, have stirred to violence once again.
Majordomo Selistra says: Dragonheart Outpost has already fallen.


  1. B [60-62] Explorers in Peril, B [60-62] Primal Pests, B [60-62] Practice Materials
  2. B [60-62] Where is Wrathion?
  3. N [60-62] Excuse the Mess
  4. N [60-62] My First Real Emergency!
  5. N [60-62] The Djaradin Have Awoken

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