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Start | First Mate Jamboya |
End | First Mate Jamboya |
Level | 30-60 |
Category | Vol'dun |
Experience | 16,450 (at level 110) |
Reputation | +75 Voldunai |
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Use First Mate Jamboya's Medallion to witness visions of his past.
- Throne room memory witnessed
- Battlefield memory witnessed
[First Mate Jamboya's Medallion] (provided)
De curse came one fateful day, in ages past, when de sethrak attacked. Dere was no end to dem.
In our desperation, I helped Pirate-King Zem'lan do de unthinkable.
We became monsters. Even worse, we became eternal slaves to Zem'lan.
De curse weighs heavy on me, but my guilt is heavier. I led me crew into dis.
Before we confront de Pirate-King himself, you need to understand what we be up against.
You need to see what happened de day dat de Port of Zem'lan fell.
You will receive:
I'm not proud of what I did, but you need to know what we be facin' ahead.
Now you know how desperate we were on dat day, <name>.
I don't be making excuses, but you should understand why we did what we did.
Pick up [30-60] The Yard Arm of the Law before heading out.
Head into the building at [36, 78] and use [First Mate Jamboya's Medallion] to witness the throne room memory.
- A Vision of Pirate-King Zem'lan is standing with his back toward the door, reading a book. A Vision of First Mate Jamboya runs into the room and kneels before Zem'lan, who turns around to face the first mate.
- Vision of First Mate Jamboya says: Captain Zem'lan, de sethrak army be approachin'! Too many to count!
- Vision of Pirate-King Zem'lan says: Then dey be as stupid as da rest of 'em. Dis be da Port of Zem'lan! MY port!
- Vision of Pirate-King Zem'lan yells: No one be takin' it from me. Ever!
- Vision of Pirate-King Zem'lan says: Rally da crew. I want every drunken freebooter at da front gate.
- Vision of Pirate-King Zem'lan says: No retreat! Dey die to da sethrak, or dey die to me.
- The memory ends.
Head to the northern outskirts of the post,[36, 75.2] where the corpses of Souldrained Invaders and Souldrained Defenders litter the ground. Use the medallion to witness the battlefield memory.
- Visions of Basher Nujia, Druga, Tayusha, Witchdoctor Unnraz, and Witchdoctor Zuwei are defending against waves of Faithless Invaders while a Vision of Pirate-King Zem'lan watches. A Vision of First Mate Jamboya appears and kneels before Zem'lan.
- Vision of Pirate-King Zem'lan yells: Cut dem snakes to da ground! No quarter!
- Vision of First Mate Jamboya says: Dere be too many, captain! We gotta retreat or de whole crew gonna be killed.
- Vision of Pirate-King Zem'lan yells: Curse da sand! Curse da snakes! Da Port of Zem'lan be MINE!
- Vision of Pirate-King Zem'lan says: Get da idols and round up da crew.
- Vision of First Mate Jamboya says: I-I-I... There must be another way, Captain. De crew...
- Vision of Pirate-King Zem'lan says: Don't be questionin' me! Get everyone to da altar. Now!
- Vision of Pirate-King Zem'lan says: Da sethrak not be takin' our home from us. Not today. Not ever.
- The memory ends.
Head back to Jamboya on the southern dock to turn in.
[30-60] Camp Lastwind
[30-60] Lost in Zem'lan
[30-60] The Day the Port Fell
[30-60] Overdue Mutiny
- Bonus Objective:
[30-59B] Monsters of Zem'lan
- Bonus Objective:
[30-60] The Yard Arm of the Law &
[30-60] My Last Day Alive
- Side quest:
[30-60] Captain Gulnaku's Treasure
- Side quest:
[30-60] The Grinning Idols &
[30-60] Maroon 'em with Fire
[30-60] The Golden Isle
[30-60] Our Share of the Plunder &
[30-60] The First Time I Died
[30-60] This Be Mutiny
[30-60] Escaping Zem'lan
Patch changes[]
Patch 8.0.1 (2018-07-17): Added.