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NeutralMystery Mask
Start O'Mally Zapnabber
End Wildlord Antelarion
Level 20-30
Category Blade's Edge Mountains
Experience 3050
Reputation +25 Cenarion Expedition
Rewards 1g
Previous Inv helmet 31 [Damaged Mask]
Next Inv helmet 31 [Felsworn Gas Mask]

Someone should know what to do with this mask, now that it's been fixed!

This is part of the Burning Legion of Blade's Edge quest chain.


Bring the Mystery Mask to Wildlord Antelarion in Ruuan Weald.


Ok, it should work now. What is it, you ask? Why, it's a communication device - it allows those blockheads to communicate with each other. You know, the Burning Legion! I would suggest that you hand this mask to Wildlord Antelarion. He's over there pacing around. Always moving, he is.

Well get moving, he's been trying to get his hands on one of these for sometime now.


That mask you hold in your hands is a Inv helmet 31 [Felsworn Gas Mask] and by the appearance, it's not damaged. The trouble we can cause Forge Camp: Anger is boundless. Are you interested in helping us out, <name>?



  1. N [20-30] Damaged Mask
  2. N [20-30] Mystery Mask
  3. N [20-30] Felsworn Gas Mask
  4. N [20-30] Deceive thy Enemy
  5. N [20-30] You're Fired!
  6. N [20-30G] Death's Door
  7. N [20-30G] Harvesting the Fel Ammunition
  8. N [20-30] Fire At Will!
  9. N [20-30] The Hound-Master

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