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Faction Watchers
Hit points 450
Hit point regeneration Always
Hit point regeneration rate 0.25 HP/sec.
Mana 400
Mana Regeneration rate 0.80 Mana/sec.
Level 2
Collision Size 31
Normal attack 16-21 (18.5 avg)
Can attack Air, Ground
Range 60
Attack type Piercing
Cooldown 2.00 sec.
Weapon type Missile
Armor Type Light
Armor 2
Day Sight 140
Night Sight 80
Movement Speed 270
This article contains lore taken from Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, the manuals, and/or official bonus maps.

Mystics were night elf units in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos. They appear only in the night elf mission Brothers in Blood. They were part of the Barrow Deeps Watchers, and resided only in the prison's library guarding a number of magical artifacts. They have the appearance of human Apprentice Wizards, a variant of the high elf Priests, and are tinted red. They notably cast shamanistic spells and are the only non-druid male night elves in the game.

Spells and abilities[]


Removes all buffs from a target unit, and slows its movement speed by a factor of 5.
Purged units will slowly regain their movement speed over 15 seconds.
Deals 400 damage to summoned units.
Duration (Hero)
15 (5) sec.


While Mystics do technically have the Bloodlust ability, it is the Shaman's version, not the neutral version.
They do not have it researched, so they can't actually use it.


  • In Reforged, they look like high elves.


This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

The Mystics share a number of similarities with night elven lorekeepers; as with those of the Shen'dralar they are hidden away beneath the earth in places of knowledge, and like the Talrendis Lorekeepers they are also spellcasters.

Patch changes[]

  • WC3RoC-logo Patch 1.01 (2002-07-05): Purge cooldown increased to 1 from 0.

See also[]
