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NeutralMyzerian's Head
Start Inv misc head dragon black [Myzerian's Head]
End Sullah [29.6, 21.9]VZ-UldumBlip
Level 30-35
Category Uldum
Experience 65850
Rewards Inv misc uncutgemnormal3 [Inferno Ruby] and Inv misc uncutgemnormal5 [Amberjewel] and Inv misc uncutgemnormal2 [Ocean Sapphire]
25g 80s
Shareable Yes
Previous N [30-35] Shroud of the Makers


Take Myzerian's Head to Sullah at Sullah's Sideshow.


The head of one of Deathwing's most formidable black dragons is now in your possession.

While many in Azeroth would pay dearly for such an artifact, something tells you that it belongs in a museum for all to see and remember.

Harrison Jones is likely to have the proper connections.

Sullah would certainly be happy to deliver it to him.


You will receive: 25g 80s

Inv misc uncutgemnormal3 [Inferno Ruby] Inv misc uncutgemnormal5 [Amberjewel]
Inv misc uncutgemnormal2 [Ocean Sapphire]


You took down that dragon!?



Quite an accomplishment, <name>.

I'll be certain that this gets to Harrison when his expedition here is concluded.


This will involve kiting. Lots of kiting. Wait until after N [30-35] Shroud of the Makers to attempt, as Myzerian has a full-heal self-buff that ticks every five seconds in human form, and while at full strength in dragon form, cannot be taken below 1HP.

Weakened, Myzerian is down to 767,151 of his 2.3 million health and there are no other elites to contend with. He can also be affected by most snares and stuns. See his article for tactics and strategy, but his abilities in his weakened state are listed here for convenience:

  • Spell shadow chilltouch Black Cleave Melee range — Inflicts weapon damage plus additional damage to an enemy and its nearest allies, affecting up to 3 targets. Enemies hit by this ability also suffer periodic Shadow damage every 3 sec for 12 sec. Next melee
  • Spell holy excorcism 02 Blast Wave — Unleashes a wave of flame, inflicting Fire damage to nearby enemies and reducing their movement speed for 6 sec. Instant. 10 yd radius
  • Inv summerfest firespirit Fire Spit 40 yd range — Spits fire at an enemy target, dealing Fire damage on the area of impact. Instant
  • Spell shaman earthquake Rupture Line 10 yd range — Breaks up the ground in front of the caster, causing it to erupt in a spike of earth after 2 sec. Instant
  • Inv misc monsterscales 05 Tail Sweep 30 yd range — Inflicts 50 damage on enemies in a cone behind the caster, knocking them back.


  1. N [30-35] Meet Me In Vir'sar
  2. N [30-35] Friend of a Friend
  3. N [30-35] Two Tents
  4. N [30-35] Master Trapper / N [30-35] Camelraderie / N [30-35] Unlimited Potential
  5. N [30-35] Jonesy Sent For You
  6. N [30-35] Missing Pieces / N [30-35] Reduced Productivity
  7. N [30-35] Stirred the Hornet's Nest
  8. N [30-35] Shroud of the Makers
    • Side quest: N [30-35] Myzerian's Head
  9. N [30-35] Schnottz So Fast
  10. N [30-35] Bad Datas
  11. N [30-35] I'll Do It By Hand

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