The following NPCs can be found in Nazmir.
Quest givers[]
[20-60] That Which Haunts the Dead
[20-60] Remnants of the Damned
[20-60] A Desecrated Temple
- Soulbound
[20-60] We'll Meet Again
[20-60] Souls for the Death Loa
[20-60] Speaking with the Dead
- Soulbound
Chadwick Paxton
[20-60] Getting a Leg Up
[20-60] Reuniting the Company
[20-60] Show of Force
Chronicler Jabari
[20-60] Earn Their Trust
[20-60] Crawg Free Zone
[20-60] It Seems You've Made a Friend
Guard Satao
[20-60] Rescue the Chronicler
[20-60] Bad Juju
[20-60] Off With Her Head
[20-60] A Culling of Souls
[20-60] Spiritual Restoration
[20-60] The Necropolis
[20-60] A Tribute for Death
Imperial Guard
[20-60] An Unfortunate Event
Ingrid Bellix
[20-60] No Mercy for Sithis
[20-60] Won't Leaf Him to Die
[20-60] No Problem Tar Can't Solve
[20-60] Isolating Zalamar
[20-60] How to Be a Blood Troll
[20-60] Poisoning the Brood
[20-60] Mark of the Bat
[20-60] Hir'eek, the Bat Loa
[20-60] To Kill a Loa
[20-60] Upward and Onward
Kal'dran <Talanji's Retainer>
[20-60] Power Denied
[20-60] All Hope is Lost
[20-60] The Forlorn Soul
[20-60] Forcing Fate's Hand
[20-60] Loa-Free Diet
[20-60] Negative Blood
[20-60] To Gloom Hollow
Krag'wa the Huge
[20-60] The Last Witch Doctor of Krag'wa
[20-60] A True Loa Feast
[20-60] A Magical Glow
[20-60] Totemic Restoration
[20-60] Krag'wa the Terrible
[20-60] To Serve Krag'wa
[20-60] Torga, the Turtle Loa
[20-60] Dreadtick Combustion
[20-60] Crushing the Skullcrushers
[20-60] Torga's Eternal Return
[20-60] Slumber No More
Mag'ash the Poisonous
[20-60] A Poisonous Touch
Minor Corruption
[20-60] Blood Purification
Newt <Gob Squad>
[20-60] Pilfering and Fencing
Patch (goblin) <Gob Squad>
[20-60] No Goblin Left Behind
[20-60] Head of the Viper
[20-60] Field Evaluation
[20-60] Ready For Action
[20-60] Boom goes the Bomb
Princess Talanji
[20-60] Into The Darkness
[20-60] Leave None Standing
[20-60] Improper Burial
[20-60] Ending the Blood Trolls
[20-60] A Time of Revelation
[20-60] The Aid of the Loa
[20-60] The Shadow of Death
[20-60] Catching Up
[20-60] Beseeching Bwonsamdi
[20-60] Cease all Summoning
[20-60] Sanctifying Ground
[20-60] Jungo, Herald of G'huun
[20-60] Down by the Riverside
[20-60] Rally the Warriors
[20-60] The Battle of Bloodfire Ravine
[20-60] Undying Totems
[20-60] The Road of Pain
[20-60] Target of Opportunity
[20-60] Petitioning Krag'wa
[20-60] Ateena's Fall
[20-60] Getting the Message
[20-60] Rendezvous with the Libation
[20-60] The Crawg Ma'da
[20-60] A Message of Blood and Fire
[20-60] What Rots Beneath
[20-60] Halting the Empire's Fall
Scouting Report
[20-60G3] WANTED: Tojek
Shadow Hunter Da'jul
[20-60] Projection Destruction
[20-60] Humbling the Terrors
[20-60] Conduit Interruption
[20-60] Payback's a Lich
Shadow Hunter Mutumba
[20-60] Staying Hidden
[20-60] Krag'wa's Aid
Shadow Hunter Narez
[20-60] Krag'wa's Chosen
[20-60] Vengeance of the Frogs
[20-60] Urok, Terror of the Wetlands
[20-60] Crocolisk Life
[20-60] Pulling Fangs
[20-60] Safe Flying
[20-60] Terrorizing their Eggs
[20-60] There's No Eye in Skyterror
[20-60] The Blood of My Enemies
[20-60] My Head and Shoulders
[20-60] Urok's True Death
Theurgist Salazae
[20-60] 'Til Death Do Us Part
Titan Keeper Hezrel
[20-60] How to Repair a Titan Keeper
[20-60] Recovering Remnants
[20-60] Corrupted Earth
[20-60] Bone Procession
[20-60] Unwelcome Undead
[20-60] Not Fit for This Plane
[20-60] Void is Prohibited
[20-60] Protocol Recovery
[20-60] Containment Procedure
[20-60] Return to Gloom Hollow
Ticker <Gob Squad>
[20-60] Revenge: Served Hot
[20-60] There Is No Plan "B"
Wanted Poster (Nazmir)
[20-60G3] WANTED: Ayame
Witch Doctor Kejabu
[20-60] Blood Troll on the Outside
[20-60] Sneaking into Zalamar
Witch Doctor Zentimo <Voodoo Priest of Krag'wa>
[20-60] Hunt the Hunter
[20-60] Fallen Idols
Yash <Stable Master>
[20-60] A Chance Sighting
Zaluto <Imperial Guard Captain>
[20-60] On The Run
[20-60] Bad To The Bone
[20-60] Catch Me if You Can
Zardrax the Empowerer
[20-60] Offer of Power
Brann Bronzebeard
[35-60] Dubious Offering
[35-60] Blood of Hir'eek
[35-60] Honoring the Fallen
[35-60] Zealots of Zalamar
[35-60] Flight from the Fall
[35-60] Zul'Nazman
[35-60] Nazmani Cultists
[35-60] Offerings to G'huun
[35-60] Captain Conrad
[35-60] Return to Boralus
Captain Conrad
[35-60] Lessons of the Damned
John J. Keeshan
[35-60] Champion: John J. Keeshan
[20-60] Profanity Filter
[20-60] Just Say No to Cannibalism
[20-60] Shoak's on the Menu
[20-60] Killing Cannibals
Kol'jun Deathwalker
[20-60] Bones for Protection
Shinga Deathwalker
[20-60] Bwonsamdi's Deliverance
[20-60] Respecting the Rites
[20-60] Kel'vax's Home
[20-60] The Fall of Kel'vax
Chukay <General Goods>
Ouda <Provisions & Repairs>
Provisioner Lija <Talanji's Expedition Emissary>
Rovash the One Eyed <Blacksmithing Supplies>
Garrick Blacksteel <Blacksmithing Supplies>
Various services[]
Beastmaster Veayeka <Stable Master>
Crazy Vaza <Innkeeper>
Cuja <Flight Beast>
Du'ba <Flight Master>
Ru'ka <Innkeeper>
Zabar <Flight Master>
Zam'cha <Stable Master>
Zibir the Wingmaster <Flight Master>
Desha Stormwallow <Dockmaster>
Priestess Islara <Innkeeper>
Selina Duskraven <Flight Master>
Other notable NPCs[]
Anna Bizrim
Arcanist Quintril
Brewmaster Lin
Clayton Backston
Chronicler Jabari
Grit <Gob Squad>
Karaja Zubo
Plague Master Herbert
Ptin'go <Pterror of the Skies>
Shadow Hunter Vol'tris
Stormcaller Morka
Timothy Zarltin
Volt <Gob Squad>
Wavebreaker Xiang
Wun'to Zubo
Xizz Gutshank
Alanya <"Silvermoon" Harry's Companion>
Baron Cloudsnipe <Ace Fighter Pilot>
Captain Beamwind <The Stormy Pearl>
Captain Granger <Airship Command>
Captain Stonestare <Airship Command>
Elli Sparklighter <Weapon Specialist>
Expedition Officer Barry
Fizzle Brassbolts
"Silvermoon" Harry
Skycaptain Thermospark
Thomas Vandergrief
Valrisa Windcoil <Special Operative>
Grady Prett <Master Pet Trainer>
Jani <Loa of Scavengers>
Krol'dra the Wise
Titan Keeper Bolcan
Wag'shash the Bold
Wok'grug the Clever
Aiji the Accursed
Amaka the Crawg Ma'da
Ancient Jawbreaker
Ayame <The Creeping Death>
Azerite-Infused Slag
Bajiatha <The Scavenger Matriarch>
Blood Witch Najima
Blood Witch Pakkala
Blood Witch Vashera
Blood Witch Yialu
Blood Priestess Zu'Anji
Captain Conrad
Captain Mu'kala
Corpse Bringer Yal'kar
Corpse Monger Jal'aka
Corpse Monger Nog'shra
Corpse Monger Yon'gi
Empowered Kal'dran
Enraged Water Elemental
Fangcaller Sithis
Gee'dae the Cursed
Grand Ma'da Ateena <The Blood Matriarch>
Gruesh <The Bone Crusher>
Gutrip <The Hungry>
Hex Priestess Tizeja
Hexxer Nana'kwug
High Priestess Zenja
Hir'eek <Lord of the Midnight>
Jax'teb the Reanimated
Jungo, Herald of G'huun
Kel'vax Deathwalker
King Kooba
Krubbs <The Iron Shell>
Lord Slithin
Overlord Kraxis
Poz'ga the Butcher Queen
Priestess Zaldraxia
Ren'Zuli <The Loahunter>
Scout Skrasniss
Scrounger Patriarch
Summoner Yarz
The Matron Shaazula
Titan Keeper Bolcan
Totem Maker Jash'ga
Uroku the Bound
Warlord Malaja
Wardrummer Gix
Wardrummer Saljo
Wardrummer Sheej
Wardrummer Zurula
Warmother Boatema
Warmother Molaka
Warmother Nagla
Xu'ba <The Bone Collector>
Za'amar the Queen's Blade
Zanxib <The Engorged>
Zardrax the Empowerer