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HordeNecessary Precautions
Start G.M.O.D
End G.M.O.D
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Horde War Campaign
Experience 1,800
Rewards 2g 34s
Previous H [60] The Right Mech for the Job
Next H [60] Test Case #1; Mech vs. Mekkatorque


Review the G.M.O.D's systems.


That was freakin' awesome! We decimated Mekkatorque's puny little army.

We got a location on where that little punk and his airship is. That's where he's controllin' all his FORMER mechs.

Here's the plan, we're gonna fly over there, blow up that freak, then destroy his airship!

Now, I ain't no idiot, <name>, I'm the smartest goblin alive. First, we gotta take what they call necessary precautions.

Take this manual, I want you to make sure the G.M.O.D is ready to go!


You will receive:

  • 2g 34s
  • 1,800 XP


Well? This thing ain't gonna double check itself! Although... maybe it should.


I don't care what the meter says, I say we're good to go!


Interacting with G.M.O.D

Well? What are you waitin' for, this mech ain't gonna review itself!

... hold on. Maybe I shoulda spent the money to get this thing to do self-reviews! Gallywix, you're a genius!

That's what zou§re supposed to say, <name>.

Gossip <Open the G.M.O.D manual and review its systems.>

(Character is not a goblin or Engineer) <You carefully read through the G.M.O.D's manual.

You have to do it several times, in fact, as the combination of goblin talk and "inventive" engineering make it difficult to parse.

The most glaring issue is a meter labeled, "AZERITE". The meter's needle is almost over "TOTALLY EMPTY".>

(Character is a non-goblin with 150 Zandalari Engineering) <You would think your training as an engineer would prepare you for the peak of goblin technology, but alas, nothing could prepare you for this.

The manual contradicts itself not only on each page, but actually in the same sentence. It's a miracle this thing even works.

You finish your review. Short of redoing this machine all over again, the only actionable thing you could find is that the mech is dangerously low on Azerite.>

(Character is a goblin, but not an engineer) <You take one look at the manual written by some other schmucks and throw it away. You know what you're doing!

You poke and prod at various parts of the mech. How hard could it be figuring out another goblin's work?

Maybe it's pretty hard, but you eventually find a meter that says, "AZERITE" and see that the needle is close to the words, "TOTALLY EMPTY BOSS".>

(Character is a goblin with 150 Zandalari Engineering) <You take one look at the manual written by some other schmucks and throw it away. You're a top goblin engineer, you don't need to listen to someone else's dumb manual!

You eventually find a meter that says, "AZERITE" and see that the needle is close to the words, "TOTALLY EMPTY BOSS".>

Gossip It looks like the G.M.O.D is almost out of Azerite. We should get it refueled.

G.M.O.D says: We're outta fuel? That can't be right, we got plenty of Azerite left! Look at what this thing can do.
The G.M.O.D lifts itself and then lands.
G.M.O.D says: See? This thing is fine, I never refuel until that needle is WAY past empty, never had a problem!


  1. H [60] A Mech for a Goblin
  2. H [60] It Belongs in My Mech! & H [60] Avoiding Lawsuits 101
  3. H [60] The Right Mech for the Job
  4. H [60] Necessary Precautions
  5. H [60] Test Case #1; Mech vs. Mekkatorque
  6. H [60] Insurance Policy
  7. H [60] Insurance Renewal, H [60] Killing on the Side & H [60] Mekkatorque's Battle Plans
  8. H [60] Mech versus Airship
  9. H [60] A Goblin's Definition of Success

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