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MobNemas the Arbiter
Image of Nemas the Arbiter
Title <Order of the Silver Hand>
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 60 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Horde
Affiliation(s) Knights of the Silver Hand
Location Stratholme
Status Deceased
Undead Stratholme (Classic)

Stonespine (rare)
Baroness Anastari
Black Guard Swordsmith (summoned)
Maleki the Pallid
Magistrate Barthilas
Ramstein the Gorger
Baron Rivendare


Defenders of the Chapel

Aelmar the Vanquisher (summoned)
Cathela the Seeker (summoned)
Gregor the Justiciar (summoned)
Vicar Hieronymus (summoned)
Nemas the Arbiter (summoned)



Ysida Harmon


Stratholme loot

Nemas the Arbiter was one of five ghostly paladins that spawned outside the Alonsus Chapel in Stratholme during the final part of H IconSmall BloodElf MaleIconSmall BloodElf Female Paladin [60D] True Masters of the Light, the charger quest for Blood Knights. He — along with his four compatriots, as well as Aurius the Chapel's "keeper" — must be defeated into order to complete the quest.


  • Spell holy powerwordshield Avenger's Shield — Hurls a holy shield at the enemy, dealing 765 to 935 Holy damage, Dazing them and then jumping to additional nearby enemies. Affects 3 total targets.
  • Spell holy prayerofhealing Repentance — Puts all nearby enemy targets in a state of meditation, incapacitating them for 8 sec. Breaks on damage.

Objective of[]


There is no other way, blasphemer. Prepare to meet your fate.

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