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Main article: Ji-Kun
MobNest Guardian
Image of Nest Guardian
Race Pandaren phoenix (Beast)
Level 37 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Throne of Thunder

Nest Guardians are powerful pandaren phoenixes, similar in look to Ji-Kun, that protect certain nests during heroic mode only. If left alone they will do an aoe attack that hurts all raid members and interrupts all spell casts.


  • Ability rogue dismantle Talon Strike Tank Alert — The Nest Guardian strikes with both its talons, inflicting Physical damage to all enemies in a 180 degree arc. 0.7 sec cast.
  • Ability warlock howlofterror Screech Deadly — If not actively engaged in melee combat Nest Guardians will Screech, inflicting 165,000 Physical damage and interrupting the current spellcast of all players. Mana-using players will have their casting speed reduced by 30% until they successfully cast their next spell. 1 sec cast.

Patch changes[]

  • Warlords of Draenor Hotfix (2014-10-17): Nest Guardians' Screech ability should correctly apply a stacking debuff on players once more on Heroic difficulty.
  • Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.2.0 (2013-03-05): Added.

External links[]
