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Inv misc armorkit 2520
  • Nethercobra Leg Armor
  • Use: Permanently attach nethercobra armor onto pants to increase attack power by 50 and critical strike by 12.

    Enchanting the item causes it to become soulbound.
  • Requires Level 25
  • Sell Price: 4g

Nethercobra Leg Armor is an armor kit which permanently applies +50 attack power and +12 critical strike rating modifications to leg armor, in the same virtual "slot" as an enchantment.

As of Patch 3.1.0 the benefits of this enhancement do not become active until level 60, thus effectively nerfing it for Twinks below that level. Although the enchantment is not removed from your existing item, you will not receive the benefit of this enhancement unless you meet the new level requirements. Thus the new in-game tool tip now shows "Enchantment Requires Level 60" in red font (indicating the enhancement is not active) if your character is below the required level.


Nethercobra Leg Armor is crafted by Leatherworkers with a skill level of 365 who have attained Exalted with Honor Hold or Thrallmar.

Materials required
Inv misc leatherscrap 11 4x [Heavy Knothide Leather] Inv misc monsterscales 18 4x [Cobra Scales]
Inv elemental primal air 8x [Primal Air] Inv elemental primal nether 1x [Primal Nether]

The [Pattern: Nethercobra Leg Armor] is sold for 12g by:

Similar enchantments[]

External links[]
